Shane Beamer didn’t sleep off his frustration from Tuesday’s South Carolina bowl loss to Illinois.
The Gamecocks’ fourth-year coach credited the Preventing Illini for his or her 21-17 back-and-forth victory within the Cheez-It Citrus Bowl over South Carolina, however then proceeded to defend his workforce in a continued confrontation between him and Preventing Illini coach Bret Bielema.
REQUIRED READING:South Carolina soccer seniors’ 2024 season soured with heartbreaking Citrus Bowl loss
Beamer tweeted his ideas on the scenario on the primary day of 2025.
“Simply disenchanted that OUR workforce and I acquired known as ‘unethical’ in a press convention for one thing we legally did on particular groups,” Beamer wrote on social media.
“I don’t take that frivolously. Unethical seems like this — together with our (operating again) getting his helmet ripped off on the similar time, together with the (Illinois) participant taunting him after which tossing the ball on the umpire’s leg — who does nothing.”
About two hours later, Bielema subtweeted to Beamer “Completely happy New Yr and congrats on an ideal season…. #HappNewYear2025 #CFBPlayoff”
Beamer needed to be held again in the course of the third quarter of the bowl sport on Tuesday after it appeared Bielema taunted him with a substitution gesture utilized by sport officers.
“It is heated and aggressive on the market however in all my years of being round soccer I’ve by no means seen an opposing head coach come over to the opposing workforce sideline and mainly make a gesture in direction of the opposing head coach,” Beamer stated in a postgame information convention. “I feel he was upset about one thing that we did on the kickoff return in regard to Juju McDowell on the throw again to Nyck Harbor however I might say he must verify the rule e-book as a result of that is one thing we have cleared with the officers earlier than sport.”
Talking after the sport, Bielema stated he made the gesture towards the whole South Carolina sideline, not simply Beamer. He made the gesture as he got here out to verify on an injured Illini participant. It was in reference to a lateral cross on a kickoff after he and his workforce thought the play was already over.
“There’s a unwritten philosophy in teaching that while you do that as faculty kickoff return man, what you’re doing is you’re telling everyone else that it’s going to be a good catch and it’s going to be useless in the long run zone when the ball lands,” Bielema informed reporters whereas making the T-bar gesture.
“They didn’t do something unlawful, however it put us, I feel, ready that the ethic of what that’s acquired evaporated there as a result of our children stopped.”
Each Beamer and Bielema shook palms after the sport.
Pour saluer la nouvelle année, l’équipe du Bye bye 2024 – avec Guylaine Tremblay, Claude Legault, Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais et Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse comme principaux interprètes et Simon-Olivier Fecteau comme réalisateur – a offert une giant variété de sketchs, où controverses politiques, événements télévisuels et phénomènes en ligne se sont entremêlés.
Des invités spéciaux ont été aperçus tout au lengthy de l’émission, dont Richard Martineau, Charles Tisseyre, Corneille, Katherine Levac, Arnaud Soly, Louis Courchesne, Increase Desjardins, Jean-Sébastien Girard, Yannick de Martino et le groupe humoristique Les Appendices, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns.
Richard Martineau est apparu dans une parodie de journal télévisé lors du « Bye bye 2024 ».
Photograph : Bye bye 2024/ICI Télé
Fidèle à son habitude, Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais a lancé le Bye bye en chanson. Sauf que, cette fois, c’est par chanson à répondre que l’humoriste, qui participe à l’émission depuis 2020, a ouvert le bal.
Encore cette année, plein de forêts ont brûlé. Mais dites-vous qu’au moins, y’a un arbre qui a été épargné, chante-t-il par exemple, montrant ensuite un bouleau sur lequel est inscrit le mot en n, en référence à la vidéo controversée de Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge, qui a enlacé un arbre sur lequel avait été gravée une variante anglaise du mot en n.
Mais aujourd’hui, je porte le sourire. Parce que demain, ça va être pire! conclut Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais à plusieurs reprises dans sa ritournelle.
Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre et Northvolt
La politique, provinciale comme fédérale, a sans shock occupé une bonne place dans les sketchs de fin d’année.
Dans un numéro segmenté à travers l’émission, l’ancien ministre Pierre Fitzgibbon (Sylvain Marcel) se trouve par exemple au on line casino, à la desk à roulettes. S’il se retient au départ de miser sur quoi que ce soit avec l’argent des contribuables, il finit par miser sur le 3, puis… sur Northvolt. De quoi susciter l’indignation de l’un de ses conseillers.
On peut pas perdre, c’est suédois!
Dans un autre sketch, Pierre Poilievre (Guylaine Tremblay) joue à un jeu de devinette, où il doit trouver le nom de personnes connues. Taylor Swift, Mickey Mouse, Céline Dion, le père Noël et même Pierre Poilievre… Le chef du parti conservateur ne fait que répondre la même selected à chaque fois : Justin Trudeau.
L’actualité des dernières semaines aura aussi trouvé une place dans l’émission, alors qu’une parodie de la télé-réalité Survivor Québec vient opposer Justin Trudeau (Simon-Olivier Fecteau) au reste de son parti, illustrant les critiques grandissantes à l’égard du premier ministre au sein même du Parti libéral.
Pour acheter ma victoire, je vais enlever la taxe sur les chips nature! lance même ce Justin Trudeau, référence au congé de TPS mise en vigueur à la mi-décembre.
J’ai compris entièrement votre message. Vous voulez que je remanie le gouvernement et que je réfléchisse durant les fêtes.
L’actualité internationale aura aussi été évoquée. Outre des mentions multiples de la politique américaine et des Jeux olympiques de Paris ça et là, les déboires de l’entreprise aérienne Boeing a fait l’objet d’un section où Increase Desjardins tente tant bien que mal de chanter une publicité pour la compagnie.
Les cooks! et Les armes parodiées
La tradition québécoise a aussi eu sa place dans le Bye bye, alors que de nombreuses émissions et movies ont été parodiés.
Élyse Marquis (Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse) et François Legault (Claude Legault) dans la parodie de l’émission « Les cooks! ».
Photograph : Bye bye 2024/ICI Télé
Dans Les cheffes (parodie de la compétition Les cooks!), les cooks des partis politiques provinciaux (à l’exception du Parti libéral) sont appelés à cuisiner. Avec chacun ses propres défis.
Aucun de ces fruits de mer parle français!
Au passage, le Bye bye en a profité pour piquer les intervenants de l’émission originale en ridiculisant les questions d’Élyse Marquis, l’amour des sauces de Jean-Luc Boulay et les proverbes tremendous gênants de Colombe St-Pierre.
Sur Instagram, la véritable Élyse Marquis a salué le sketch en félicitant Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse. J’ai beaucoup ri, j’ai tout aimé, pouvait-on lire, le tout accompagné d’émoticônes d’une personne qui rit.
Les personnes plus nostalgiques seront sûrement ravies d’apprendre qu’une parodie de l’émission Watatatow s’est aussi glissée dans le Bye bye. Intitulé WataBedford, la parodie montre une école où règne la faith, menant à des dérives, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’éducation sexuelle. Un mélange entre la célèbre série des années 1990 et le scandale ayant émergé de l’école Bedford cet automne.
L’ensemble de la distribution principale du « Bye bye 2024 » s’est retrouvé pour cette parodie de Watatatow.
Photograph : Bye bye 2024/ICI Télé
Ayant marqué l’offre télévisuelle cette année, la série Les armes a été reprise pour le Bye bye, avec au passage une référence à la grève ayant eu lieu lors du tournage de l’émission cet automne.
Côté cinéma, le réalisateur Ricardo Trogi a été appelé à collaborer pour un sketch utilisant le même fashion que son movie 1995, et le même acteur, Jean-Carl Boucher, comme interprète de Ricardo Trogi. Dans ce section, on swimsuit le réalisateur dans ses péripéties, alors qu’il se voit confier la tâche de réaliser le Bye bye. De quoi exciter sa mère, interprétée par Sandrine Bisson.
Le movie Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, suite sortie en 2024 du movie culte Beetlejuice, a aussi fait l’objet d’un numéro, Beetlegen, où une fille fait renaître Geneviève Guilbault (Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse) et son engouement pour le 3e lien en répétant trois fois troisième lien.
Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse jouait Geneviève Guilbault (alias Beetlegen) dans la parodie de Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
Photograph : Bye bye 2024/ICI Télé
Des phénomènes des réseaux sociaux ont également taillé leur place dans le Bye bye 2024. Un sketch a par exemple tourné à la dérision l’affirmation – popularisée sur TikTok – selon laquelle, en forêt, une majorité de femmes préféreraient tomber sur un ours que sur un homme.
En direct du jour de l’An pour débuter la soirée
C’est En direct du jour de l’An qui a lancé la soirée télévisuelle.
Pour sa 14e édition, France Beaudoin et son équipe ont enlevé Louis Morissette, Patricia Paquin, Mona de Grenoble et Marthe Laverdière, avec l’aide de Paul Arcand et de Claude Poirier.
Marthe Desjardins, Patricia Paquin, Louis Morissette et Alexandre Aussant (Mona de Grenoble) ont été « enlevés » par France Beaudoin et son équipe.
Photograph : Fb/ICI Télé
L’émission a été à la hauteur des éditions précédentes, alors que de (très) nombreux chanteurs, acteurs, humoristes, artistes, animateurs et politiciens ont défilé devant la caméra, allant d’Adeline Kerry Cruz, 11 ans, qui a dansé lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques de Paris, à Janette Bertrand, qui, à l’aube de la centaine, a effectué un décompte à partir de 100.
Michèle Richard, Marjo, Gildor Roy, France Castel, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, Charles Tisseyre, Geneviève Schmidt, Ariane Moffatt, Guylaine Tremblay, Valérie Blais, Louis-Jean Cormier, Luce Dufault, Ève-Marie Lortie, Fredz, Sébastien Delorme, Bianca Gervais, Jean Airoldi, Sonia Lebel, MC Gilles, Pierre-Yves McSween, Sara Dufour et Marie-Philip Poulin ont ainsi été aperçus durant cette soirée festive, pour ne nommer que quelques exemples.
La shock – et l’hilarité – a été de mise lorsqu’une personne déguisée en Deadpool (personnage de l’univers des super-héros Marvel) s’est présentée entre deux danseuses – elles aussi en Deadpool – pour finalement dévoiler son visage : il s’agissait de l’ancien ministre Pierre Fitzgibbon, qui a quitté la politique en septembre et qui a déjà été ridiculisé pour son air sérieux par le passé.
Pierre Fitzgibbon s’est déguisé en Deadpool, anti-héros de l’univers Marvel.
Photograph : Fb/ICI Télé
Cette attract grave de l’ancien ministre est d’ailleurs soulevée plus tard dans la soirée lors de l’émission spéciale d’Infoman, alors qu’il est imité, comme l’année dernière, par Jean-René Dufort et Marc Labrèche.
Pierre Fitzgibbon n’a toutefois pas été le seul à s’être déguisé pour l’event. Peu vêtu, l’animateur Jean-Philippe Wauthier a été peint en bleu afin d’imiter l’accoutrement du chanteur français Philippe Katerine lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques de Paris, accoutrement qui avait fait couler beaucoup d’encre.
Infoman sans Justin Trudeau
Philippe Katerine a d’ailleurs été vu en entrevue quelques instants plus tard, lors d’Infoman 2024, alors que Jean-René Dufort s’est mis à moitié nu devant le chanteur et humoriste afin d’honorer sa efficiency.
Jean-René Dufort s’est dévoilé devant le chanteur français Philippe Katerine.
Photograph : Infoman 2024/ICI Télé
Le groupe métal Voivod s’est chargé du générique d’ouverture de l’émission, reprenant la chanson Pourquoi le monde est sans amour de Mireille Mathieu en la mettant à la saveur du jour. Conflits armés à travers le monde, catastrophes naturelles, crises politiques… Le groupe n’a pas manqué de souligner certains événements marquants (et troublants) de la dernière année.
Si des personnalités politiques comme Pierre Poilievre, Jagmeet Singh, Yves-François Blanchet, François Legault, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, Valérie Plante et Bruno Marchand sont apparues en entrevue lors de l’émission, l’animateur a d’emblée averti les téléspectateurs que Justin Trudeau brillerait par son absence.
L’équipe d’Infoman était dans les bureaux du premier ministre seulement une heure après l’annonce de la démission de Chrystia Freeland du cupboard des ministres. Cette absence du chef du Parti libéral du Canada était anticipée : le 17 décembre, le bureau de Justin Trudeau avait annoncé l’annulation de toutes les entrevues prévues pour la fin de l’année.
Malgré tout, Jean-René Dufort n’a évidemment pas manqué d’approcher les politiciens avec humour. Il a ainsi fait appel à Luc Langevin pour raisonner le chef Éric Duhaime et la co-porte-parole Ruba Ghazal sur l’significance de comprendre la notion des personnes aux idées opposées.
La députée libérale Marwah Rizqy, pour sa half, a battu le document mondial du plus grand nombre de cravates portées en même temps, le tout sous la supervision de Fady Dagher et de Pierre-Yves McSween.
Pierre-Yves McSween et Fady Dagher ont aidé Marwah Rizqy à battre le document du plus grand nombre de cravates portées en même temps.
Photograph : Infoman 2024/ICI Télé
D’autres personnalités, comme Thomas Jolly, Greg Fergus, Monia Chokri, Catherine Fournier, Geneviève Biron, Émilise Lessard-Therrien et Gino Chouinard, ont aussi été vues en entrevue ou pour présenter l’un des mois de l’année. La Victoire de Montréal a clôturé l’émission.
ORLANDO, Fla. –The Combating Illini are Cheez-It Citrus Bowl champions.
For the primary time since 2011, the Orange and Blue have secured a bowl victory, with No. 20 Illinois taking down No. 15 South Carolina, 21-17, at Tenting World Stadium on Tuesday night.
With the win, the Orange and Blue picked up their tenth triumph of the 2024 marketing campaign, equaling this system single-season document and securing 10 victories for the primary time since 2001.
Mounting their FBS-leading fifth fourth-quarter comeback of the 12 months, the Illini took the lead with 7:29 remaining, pressured a turnover on downs with simply over three minutes to go, after which ran out the clock on their ensuing possession.
Named the Cheez-It Citrus Bowl MVP, Josh McCray recorded his third multi-touchdown sport of the season, ending with two dashing scores whereas posting 13 carries for 114 yards. His two touchdowns marked his ninth and tenth such scores through the 2024 marketing campaign, which rank eighth-most in a single season in program historical past.
Hank Beatty hauled in 4 catches for 90 yards, each of which have been career-best marks. His 59-yard reception within the first quarter was the longest play of his collegiate profession.
Luke Altmyer went 13-for-22 for 174 yards and one landing, with the lone passing rating going to Zakhari Franklin within the first quarter. Franklin completed with 4 catches for 39 yards.
The Illini protection made one takeaway – a fumble restoration within the third quarter – and compelled two turnovers on downs, whereas Matthew Bailey made a team-most 13 tackles within the win.
The Gamecocks opened the scoring with a area purpose on their first possession of the afternoon, however the Illini took their first lead of the sport on the ultimate play of the primary quarter. Getting the ball again on their very own 24-yard line with 5:13 remaining, the Orange and Blue moved previous midfield on the second play of the drive.
After changing a 3rd down within the purple zone, Illinois discovered the tip zone for the primary time by way of a 15-yard completion from Altmyer to Franklin, giving the Illini a 7-3 benefit after one interval of play.
South Carolina discovered its method into the purple zone on its ensuing possession, however a cross breakup from Ryan Meed thwarted a Gamecock trick play on fourth-and-7 to power a turnover on downs.
After Illinois was pressured to punt, a missed South Carolina area purpose as time expired marked the tip of the primary half and despatched the Orange and Blue into the break with a 7-3 edge. Hank Beatty’s 59-yard catch-and-run was the longest play for both crew by way of the opening two quarters, whereas Altmyer accomplished 75% of his passes for 101 yards within the first half.
The Gamecocks went again in entrance simply over 4 minutes into the third quarter. After the Illini offense turned the ball over on their subsequent possession, the Orange and Blue protection answered by registering their first takeaway of the competition. Ezekiel Holmes punched the ball free, the primary pressured fumble of his profession, earlier than Jaheim Clarke acquired the restoration to arrange Illinois’ offense close to midfield.
The Illini offense capitalized, driving 63 yards on 9 performs to retake the lead. A 27-yard completion to Collin Dixon moved the Orange and Blue contained in the purple zone, and Illinois scored on the following play on a 3-yard landing run from McCray, his ninth dashing rating of the season, to present the Illini a 14-10 lead with 2:23 remaining within the third quarter.
South Carolina jumped again forward on the primary play of the ultimate body, however but once more, the Illinois offense discovered a solution. Changing on two third downs, the Illini confronted a third-and-3 on the Gamecock 9-yard line. McCray discovered the tip zone for the second time, although, giving the Orange and Blue a 21-17 benefit midway by way of the fourth quarter.
The Gamecocks moved into the purple zone on their subsequent offensive possession, however with a fourth-and-4 on the Illini 7-yard line, the Illinois protection pressured an incompletion to thwart the drive and convey the Orange and Blue offense again onto the sphere with simply over three minutes left.
Trying to seal the sport on their ensuing drive, the Illini had a third-and-2 at their very own 15-yard line. McCray picked up the primary down on a 60-yard achieve on the following play from scrimmage to primarily clinch the victory.
The 2024 Illinois squad end with a 10-3 document and are actually the fifth crew in program historical past to earn 10 wins in a season, becoming a member of the 1902, 1983, 1989, 2001 groups. The Orange and Blue posted their first-ever victory over an SEC opponent en path to their fourth ranked triumph of the 12 months, tying the document for essentially the most in a single marketing campaign in program historical past.
Workforce Notes
Bielema has received 10 video games for the primary time in his Illinois profession and has led the Illini to their first 10-win season since 2001.
It’s the fifth 10-win season in program historical past.
1902, 1983, 1989, 2001, 2024
Illinois has 23 wins during the last three seasons, tying this system’s most in a three-year span since 1999-01.
Illinois has six wins when ranked this season, essentially the most since eight such wins through the 1990 season.
Illinois improved to 14-5 in video games with greater than six days relaxation since Bielema’s arrival in 2021, together with 12-3 during the last three seasons and a 4-1 document this season.
The Illini have received the first-ever assembly towards South Carolina.
Illinois improves to 9-12 in bowl video games, profitable its first bowl sport since 2011.
The Illini are actually 2-0 on the Citrus Bowl.
The Illini have received 4 video games towards ranked opposition in a single season for the third time in program historical past.
Bret Bielema improved to 28-22 throughout his Illinois profession. Since Robert Zuppke went undefeated in two of his first three seasons at Illinois from 1913-15, Bielema’s 28-22 begin is the second-best by way of 49 video games by an Illini head coach, behind solely Mike White (29-19-1, 1980-83).
Participant Notes
Cheez-It Citrus Bowl MVP Josh McCray rushed 13 occasions for 114 yards and two touchdowns.
First 100-yard sport of the season and his first such sport since dashing for 142 yards on Oct. 23, 2021, at Penn State.
His 60-yard rush within the fourth quarter was a profession lengthy.
Third sport this season with a number of dashing touchdowns.
His 10 dashing touchdowns are tied for eighth most in a single season in program historical past.
First Illinois working again with 10 dashing touchdowns in a single season since Chase Brown in 2022.
QB Luke Altmyer accomplished 13 of his 22 passes for 174 yards and a landing.
Completed 2024 with 22 landing passes, matching Juice Williams (2008) and Jeff George (1989) for third-most in a single season in program historical past.
Now has 35 passing touchdowns in his Illini profession, matching Johnny Johnson (1992-95) for ninth.
Completed the season with a passing effectivity ranking of 144.04, the second-best mark in a single season in program historical past.
WR Hank Beatty caught 4 passes for a career-high 90 yards.
His 59-yard reception within the first quarter was a profession lengthy.
WR Zakhari Franklin caught 4 passes for 39 yards and a landing.
Together with his first catch of the sport, he surpassed the 4,000-yard mark in his profession, changing into the twenty second participant in FBS historical past to succeed in that mark.
Finishes his profession with 321 receptions, eighth-most all-time in FBS historical past.
Ends his profession with 42 landing catches, matching Wyoming’s Ryan Yarborough (1990-93) and Oklahoma State’s Rashaun Woods (2000-03) for eighth-most all-time in FBS historical past.
DB Matthew Bailey recorded a game-high 13 tackles, with 5 solo efforts.
His 13 tackles additionally set a career-high mark and his third double-digit deal with effort of the season.
OLB Gabe Jacas posted eight tackles, 4 solo, together with a game-high 3.0 tackles for a loss.
Third sport this season with no less than 2.0 TFLs.
DL Ezekiel Holmes recorded the primary pressured fumble of his profession within the third quarter.
DB Mac Resetich and DL Dennis Briggs Jr. every recorded 1.0 sacks within the contest.
The brand new 12 months is quick approaching and if you wish to benefit from the fireworks, countdowns, and awkward reside performances with out ever leaving your cozy setup, you’ve bought loads of choices.
Right here’s a information to the very best methods to observe the festivities from the consolation of your sofa.
Chortle your means into 2025 with an hour of skits from CBC’s longest-running comedy collection, “The Hour Has 22 Minutes.” Aba Amuquandoh, Chris Wilson and Mark Critch and the remainder of the ensemble solid shall be joined by buddies together with comic Colin Mochrie and “The Nice Canadian Baking Present” host Alan Shane Lewis. Wilson’s impressions of Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre are sure to affix the enjoyable.
8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on CBC Information Community, CBC Gem and the CBC Information YouTube channel
CBC says it’s delivering the last word coast-to-coast celebration, counting right down to the brand new 12 months throughout all six of Canada’s time zones. A few “The Nationwide” anchors will steer the proceedings — Adrienne Arsenault, who’ll be joined by singer Jann Arden in Toronto, and Ian Hanomansing, teaming up with comic Ali Hassan in Vancouver.
8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on CBC Information Community, CBC Gem and the CBC Information YouTube channel
Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen are again for his or her eighth consecutive 12 months co-hosting CNN’s New 12 months’s bash from Occasions Sq. in New York Metropolis. Together with loads of quippy one-liners and tipsy confessions, count on performances by Shania Twain, 50 Cent, Sting, Diplo and extra.
8 p.m. ET on CNN
This marks the twentieth consecutive 12 months of Ryan Seacrest internet hosting the long-running particular conceived by “American Bandstand” host Dick Clark. When you surprise the place the final twenty years went, Rita Ora will be part of as co-host in New York because the occasion leads as much as the large ball drop in Occasions Sq.. Performers will embrace Alanis Morissette, the Jonas Brothers, T-Ache, and Lenny Kravitz.
8 p.m. ET on ABC
Nation music’s largest stars descend upon Music Metropolis for this five-hour particular hosted by Grammy Award-winner Keith City and “Leisure Tonight” host Rachel Smith. Publish Malone, Kane Brown, Jelly Roll, Miranda Lambert, and Shaboozey shall be among the many many acts hitting the stage. Nashville will ring within the New 12 months with the East Coast at midnight, then preserve the nice instances rolling by Central Time with the town’s well-known Music Observe Drop on the Bicentennial Mall stage.
8 p.m. ET on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus
This report by The Canadian Press was first printed Dec. 31, 2024
NEW YORK — An estimated 1 million individuals packed Occasions Sq. to look at the New Yr’s Eve 2025 ball drop Tuesday evening.
New Yr’s Eve ball drop reside stream
A Occasions Sq. Alliance reside feed kicked off the protection from the Crossroads of the World at 6 p.m. and stayed up because the clock struck midnight. CBS Information New York additionally had reside photographs from the ball drop countdown beginning at 10:30 p.m., and our Lonnie Quinn was in Occasions Sq. as a part of “Nashville’s Massive Bash” on CBS.
For those who missed the celebration, you’ll be able to watch a replay of the reside stream within the video participant under.
When and the place to look at the ball drop in Occasions Sq.
Viewing areas opened at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Entry was first-come, first-served at checkpoints positioned at forty ninth, 52nd and 56th streets on Sixth and Eighth avenues.
Organizers mentioned the perfect views could be alongside Broadway from forty third to fiftieth streets, and Seventh Avenue as far north as 59th Avenue.
The present formally began at 6 p.m. when the enduring ball was hoisted into place atop One Occasions Sq..The night featured reside performances from Carrie Underwood, the Jonas Brothers, Mark Ambor, Mickey Guyton, Rita Ora, TLC and extra.
At 11:59 p.m., the 60-second countdown started and the confetti began to fly. On the stroke of midnight, the lights on the ball have been flipped off, and the “2025” numerals got here to life.
The present wrapped up at 12:15 a.m., when the cleanup effort started. The Sanitation Division mentioned 300 staff used brooms, backpack blowers and assortment vans to take away greater than 50 tons of trash, sweeping up piles of soggy confetti, occasion favors and different particles.
This is our full information for what to learn about getting across the metropolis.
Pouring rain does not maintain spectators from Occasions Sq. on New Yr’s Eve
Spectators started lining up earlier than daybreak, together with one group of buddies who flew in from Tokyo. Some packed blankets, ponchos and handwarmers, whereas others had snacks — even a rotisserie hen.
“I am geeked out about it. I am actually excited to be right here. I’ve by no means completed it. I’ve at all times wished to do it since I used to be a child, so right here I’m,” Los Angeles resident Shauntay Sheppard mentioned.
“We’re actually excited. We waited for this journey for months as a result of we actually wish to see what individuals discuss while you inform about, , New Yr’s Eve in New York,” mentioned Elisa Corliano, an Italian vacationer.
“I come for the primary time right here to see. That it was my dream for one yr, I simply deliberate to come back. I did not anticipated to be so organized, and I’m glad for that … [I’m feeling] very secure. I wish to dance tonight,” mentioned Carmen Hutuleac, a Romanian vacationer.
Even the pouring rain could not dampen the spirits of the gang.
“It was a kind of issues that we determined it is a once-in-a-lifetime expertise,” Florida resident Rita Civil mentioned.
“Lifetime expertise. By no means once more. However I am glad I did it so I will be proud to see how loopy I’m with my good friend and my household,” Higher West Facet resident Samuel Do mentioned.
Safety for New Yr’s Eve in NYC
The New York Metropolis Police Division mentioned it had a “super” quantity of police sources round Occasions Sq. and past, as town ready for the world well-known New Yr’s Eve ball drop.
The division mentioned whereas there was no credible menace, it was working in what it known as a “heightened menace surroundings” to make sure the evening goes off and not using a hitch.
“We’ll have plain garments officers, in addition to uniformed officers who’re going to be doing persistent sweeps. We have now our drones serving to out with the aerial perspective and chemical, organic, radiological, nuclear detection and mitigation capabilities. Counter drones, heavy weapons groups, Okay-9s, you title it,” NYPD Deputy Commissioner Rebecca Weiner mentioned.
In the meantime, regardless of the rain within the forecast, these heading to Occasions Sq. weren’t allowed to deliver umbrellas, backpacks or giant baggage previous safety checkpoints.
Renee Anderson
Renee Anderson is a digital producer at CBS New York, the place she covers breaking information and different native tales. Earlier than becoming a member of the group in 2016, Renee labored at WMUR-TV.
Josiane Lefrançois, alias Josibine, a toujours aimé le dessin et l’humour. Depuis quelques années, elle mix sa ardour et publie des caricatures dans le quotidien Le Radar des îles de la Madeleine.
Je vois n’importe quoi et j’ai une idée de caricature! C’est mon cerveau qui est fait comme ça. Je lis quelque selected et tout de suite, j’ai une picture qui poppe dans ma tête. Ça vient tout seul, lance l’artiste.
Elle s’encourage de ce qu’elle lit sur les réseaux sociaux ou tire des conversations qu’elle a au quotidien, soit en conduisant son taxi ou à l’épicerie.
Une caricature, ça vaut 1000 mots. Ça fait comprendre aux gens qu’il faut prendre ça en riant!
La redevance : l’incontournable de l’année
Pour Josibine, il est clair que l’énorme polémique soulevée par la mise en place d’une redevance touristique optionnelle de 30 $ pour accéder à l’archipel a été le sujet de l’année.
Ça ne finissait plus et ça a vraiment fait deux clans aux îles. Les gens pour la Passe [archipel] et les gens contre. Ça a soulevé beaucoup de débats, se souvient Josiane Lefrançois.
L’imposition d’une redevance touristique a fait beaucoup jaser en 2024 dans l’archipel madelinot.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Quand on passe une journée en ville, juste pour se stationner à Montréal, ça peut coûter cher, donc ce que je voulais démontrer, c’est que 30 $, pour aider les infrastructures, ce n’est pas la fin du monde!, explique Josiane Lefrançois.
Des fois, c’est une minorité de personnes aux îles, mais quand ça se retrouve dans les médias sociaux, on a l’impression que tout le monde pense ça, mais ce n’est pas vrai, dit-elle.
Finalement, la Municipalité a proposé que la redevance soit facultative ce qui lui a permis d’amasser 29 000 $ auprès des touristes.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
L’artiste est aussi income sur la polémique provoquée par les gens qui remettaient en query l’utilisation d’un code QR pour contrôler le paiement de la redevance, une mesure qui a finalement été abandonnée face à la levée de boucliers.
L’artiste a aussi été inspirée par la réaction des Madelinots sur les modalités de paiement de la redevance.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Les gens ne voulaient pas avoir à montrer leur preuve de résidence pour ne pas avoir à payer cette redevance. C’était ça au fond. On est bien content material d’aller montrer cette preuve de résidence quand c’est le temps d’aller chercher le 60 % de rabais sur nos billets d’avion, mais on ne veut pas montrer notre preuve de résidence pour éviter de payer la taxe!, be aware Mme Lefrançois.
L’accueil réservé aux touristes sur l’archipel l’a aussi inspirée. Au cours des dernières années, la cohabitation s’est parfois révélée compliquée entre les visiteurs et les résidents.
L’accueil des touristes dans l’archipel a aussi été un sujet abordé par la dessinatrice en 2024.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Malgré l’significance des retombées économiques générées par le tourisme, de nombreux Madelinots se sentent envahis durant les beaux mois d’été et l’ont parfois fait savoir sur les réseaux sociaux.
Je m’encourage beaucoup des réseaux sociaux et à chaque fois qu’il se passe quelque selected aux îles de la Madeleine, c’est de la faute d’un touriste! Je trouve ça bien drôle parce que quand j’étais jeune, c’était moi la touriste qui venait aux îles de la Madeleine parce que je vivais à Montréal, même si ma famille est des îles, lance Josiane Lefrançois.
La polémique entourant la Passe archipel a aussi eu des répercussions sur l’achat des oeufs locaux dans l’archipel.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
La division profonde causée par les débats entourant la mise en place de la Passe archipel a suscité des milliers de commentaires anonymes sur les réseaux sociaux. C’était des publications anonymes. La personne pouvait dire n’importe quoi sur la municipalité des Îles et inciter les gens à faire des manifestations, mais de façon anonyme. À second donné, dis-nous qui tu es, ajoute Josiane Lefrançois.
Les conseils municipaux ont parfois été extrêmement houleux et les Madelinots se sont même déchirés sur la provenance de leurs œufs locaux!Ç’a été toute une histoire le fight des œufs et on ne fait jamais d’omelettes sans casser des œufs! Des fois, le fait d’avoir des opinions, ça a vraiment divisé les gens et les commerçants ont subi toute cette histoire-là, estime Mme Lefrançois.
La caricaturiste a aussi dessiné autour de l’anonymat sur les réseaux sociaux.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Selon elle, malgré les divisions, les Madelinots aiment rire et ses caricatures ont fait entrer un vent de légèreté dans des débats parfois houleux.
Josibine estime que ses dessins apportent un peu de légèreté dans des débats parfois lourds.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
J’ai la réputation de toujours souligner ce qui se passe, sans prendre place. J’appelle toujours les gens au respect, c’est de l’humour et j’aime bien souligner ce qui se passe aux Îles, dit-elle.
Je prône la paix et la bonne humeur et les gens apprécient ça. J’ai rarement eu de mauvais commentaires au sujet de mes caricatures. Les Madelinots aiment rire. À second donné, ça devient lourd des moments de chicane et ça vient mettre un petit sourire sur les lèvres des gens, ajoute Mme Lefrançois.
Inoubliable éclipse
L’archipel a été en 2024 un des meilleurs endroits au Québec pour observer l’éclipse totale.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
L’autre second fort de l’année a évidemment été l’éclipse solaire totale en avril. Des milliers de Madelinots et d’écoliers ont pris une pause pour admirer le spectacle… Enfin, ceux qui avaient pu trouver des lunettes à temps!
C’était la folie furieuse sur Fb. Tout le monde parlait de ça aux îles de la Madeleine. Tout le monde était à la recherche de lunettes, il n’y avait plus de lunettes à éclipse homologuée disponible ou il n’y en avait plus à vendre, dit Josibine.
L’artiste a aussi voulu saluer la mort de Cayouche.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Un dessin qui l’aura profondément marqué pour la obscure d’amour qu’il a suscité est son hommage au chanteur acadien Cayouche.
C’est quelqu’un de très necessary pour les Acadiens. Donc, le 29 mai quand notre beau Cayouche est décédé, ça a touché tout le monde aux îles de la Madeleine. On le chante dans nos partys de guitare, il est très necessary et je suis très touchée parce que cette publication a été vraiment beaucoup, beaucoup partagée sur les réseaux sociaux. Ça a fait le tour de l’Acadie ce beau dessin-là, explique Josiane Lefrançois.
Même l’économie et l’élection de Donald Trump se sont faufilé une place dans son œuvre de l’année. Les gens de l’extérieur trouvent que la nourriture coûte cher, mais aux Îles, c’est incroyable!, rappelle l’artiste.
L’augmentation du coût de la vie a aussi été un sujet de prédilection de la dessinatrice au cours de la dernière année.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Je vais à l’épicerie et je me rends compte que le sac de raisins que j’ai acheté coûte une fortune comparativement aux bananes. On dit qu’une pomme par jour éloigne le médecin pour toujours, mais les bananes, c’est pas mal moins cher!, témoinge Josibine.
L’arrivée de Donald Trump a la tête de la Maison-Blanche et la perspective que les États-Unis imposent de nouveaux tarifs douaniers sur toutes les marchandises importées, incluant le homard, préoccupe dans l’archipel et en Atlantique.
Est-ce que de nouveaux tarifs douaniers s’appliqueront à la vente du homard aux Américains? La query hante les Madelinots.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
J’ai tout de suite eu l’picture d’un conseiller qui va tendre un beau homard avec un morceau de ache et du beurre à l’ail au président pour le convaincre de ne pas imposer ce tarif douanier.
Josibine se despatched privilégiée de pouvoir partager ses dessins avec les Madelinots pour les faire rire ou réfléchir.
Il n’y a pas que les sujets madelinots qui préoccupe la caricaturiste.
Picture : Josiane Lefrançois (Josibine)
Les gens parfois sont surpris que ce soit une femme! Il y a même des gens qui ont lu Le Radar pendant des années et qui ont pensé que Josibine, c’était un homme parce qu’on est habitué à voir des caricaturistes hommes. J’espère que ça peut inciter d’autres jeunes filles à se lancer là-dedans parce qu’on a des bonnes idées!, ajoute-t-elle.
Des fois, j’aime m’approcher de la ligne et piquer les gens un peu pour aller à l’inverse de ce qu’on croit être la pensée générale. J’aime déranger un peu, mais toujours dans la douceur et dans l’humour. Je ne suis pas succesful de faire quelque selected de méchant envers une personne ou qui serait désavantageux pour quelqu’un. J’y vais toujours dans l’humour léger.
Web site: Tampa, Fla. (Raymond James Stadium) Occasion: ReliaQuest Bowl Rating: Michigan 19, #11 Alabama 13 Information: U-M (8-5), Alabama (9-4) Attendance: 51,439 Subsequent U-M Occasion: Season Accomplished
TAMPA, Fla. — The College of Michigan soccer staff wrapped up its 2024 season with a 19-13 victory over No. 11-ranked Alabama within the ReliaQuest Bowl on Tuesday (Dec. 31) at Raymond James Stadium. The Wolverines put collectively a valiant defensive efficiency to carry on in dramatic style for a second straight season in a bowl sport in opposition to the Crimson Tide.
Down six with 2:18 remaining, Alabama marched downfield, working into the crimson zone for less than the third time within the contest. U-M held pat, pressuring Crimson Tide quarterback Jalen Milroe and forcing a turnover on downs to safe the season-closing victory.
Michigan compelled a season-high three turnovers within the first quarter, a gap body wherein the Wolverines held Alabama to -2 whole yards and opened to a 16-0 lead. Regardless of being outscored over the rest of the competition, the Maize and Blue protection helped it maintain on, shutting out the Crimson Tide within the second half and permitting solely 97 whole yards.
Jordan Marshall led the staff offensively within the contest, dashing the ball 23 instances for a career-high 100 yards, whereas Fredrick Moore posted three catches (two first downs, one landing) totaling 37 yards. Key to the victory was Michigan’s management of the clock, possessing the ball 16 minutes greater than Alabama.
The Wolverines opened shortly, forcing two fumbles, one interception and a turnover on downs inside the sport’s first 13 minutes. These led to short-field alternatives and an early 16-0 U-M lead.
Derrick Moore‘s fourth-down sack on Alabama’s first drive compelled a turnover on downs and a 45-yard Dominic Zvada subject objective to open the sport. On the primary play following the kickoff, Moore got here up with a restoration on a fumbled Alabama snap. This arrange the Wolverines on the Crimson Tide’s 19-yard line, earlier than marking off three straight rushes within the sport’s early pouring rain and a 30-yard Zvada subject objective.
With Alabama again in possession offensively, Wesley Walker intercepted his first cross as a Wolverine alongside the Crimson Tide sideline and returned it to the 16-yard line to arrange the U-M offense with one other red-zone alternative. This time, the Wolverines capitalized with six factors as Warren related with Moore for a 13-yard landing and Zvada added the additional level to extend the U-M result in 13-0.
The early defensive onslaught continued as Aamir Corridor compelled a sack-fumble on the subsequent Alabama possession, recovered by Cameron Brandt and returned 5 yards to the Crimson Tide 11-yard line. Zvada transformed on his third subject objective of the primary quarter (21 yards) to maneuver the Wolverines forward 16-0 with 2:04 remaining within the first quarter.
The second quarter noticed Michigan possess the ball for 9:34, however the protection allowed two scores together with a 25-yard passing landing and a 24-yard subject objective stemming from a 90-yard drive inside the last minute of the primary half to shut the U-M result in 16-10.
Following a back-and-forth scoreless third quarter, the Wolverines compelled a turnover on downs on a Brandyn Hillman cross breakup within the fourth. U-M marched 9 performs for 47 yards, resulting in Zvada’s fourth subject objective (37 yards) to take a nine-point lead, 19-10, with 7:21 remaining within the contest.
Alabama narrowed its deficit to 6 factors with a subject objective with 4:38 remaining within the sport. The Crimson Tide got here up brief on their last drive, because the Wolverines managed a cease within the crimson zone on fourth all the way down to safe the 19-13 victory.
Michigan closed the season with three straight victories, together with two in opposition to ranked opponents (Ohio State, Alabama) to complete the 2024 marketing campaign with an 8-5 document.
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, at present issued the next assertion to mark the New 12 months:
“Tonight, Canadians throughout the nation and around the globe will collect with household and mates to ring within the New 12 months. This is a chance to mirror on the previous yr and to look to the longer term with renewed hope and optimism.
“In 2024, Canadians did what Canadians do finest. We caught collectively, supported each other, and obtained by means of good instances and dangerous instances alongside one another. And the Authorities of Canada took motion to make life higher for Canadians and ship equity for each era.
“By means of our Housing Accelerator Fund, we’re fast-tracking 750,000 new houses over the following decade, and we’re taking motion to maintain housing inexpensive. We’re defending renters from unfair hire costs and making hire funds depend towards their credit score rating. We’re additionally figuring out public land throughout the nation the place new houses could be constructed.
“This fall, we introduced that we’re placing more cash in your pocket with a two-month GST/HST tax break. This can be a tax break for all Canadians, so it can save you on necessities like groceries, snacks, and children’ clothes. With more cash in your pocket, you should purchase the stuff you want and save for the stuff you need.
“As we glance to a brand new yr and the work forward, strengthening the center class will proceed to be our precedence. Over the previous yr, we elevated the Canada Baby Profit and started rolling out the Canadian Dental Care Plan, which has already helped greater than 1.2 million Canadians go to the dentist. We’re additionally transferring ahead with pharmacare, which can make contraceptives in addition to diabetes drugs, like insulin, utterly free.
“As we depend all the way down to midnight tonight, I invite Canadians to hitch me in celebrating all that we’ve got achieved collectively in 2024 and in wanting towards a greater and fairer future within the new yr.
TAMPA, Fla. — Tyler Booker did not have lengthy to mirror.
The Alabama soccer junior offensive lineman had simply walked off the sector, shedding the ReliaQuest Bowl to Michigan 19-13, ending a tumultuous 2024 marketing campaign that had the highs of beating Georgia at dwelling and LSU on the street, and the lows of street losses to Vanderbilt, Tennessee and Oklahoma that saved the Crimson Tide out of the School Soccer Playoff.
Booker did not have lengthy to mirror. So when he was requested how he would keep in mind the 2024 season, he took a beat.
“It was a troublesome one,” Booker mentioned. “One which I’ll study lots from, one which has made me a greater particular person, a greater chief.”
The primary 12 months of the Kalen DeBoer period was not a simple one for the Crimson Tide. It was “a curler coaster,” the coach mentioned, however one the place his gamers remained constant and hungry for no matter got here subsequent.
Whereas Alabama quarterback Jalen Milroe saved his 2025 plans near the vest, he brazenly shared his ideas on DeBoer and a training workers he’ll “proceed to understand” no matter what’s subsequent.
“Soccer is a stupendous car that means that you can meet numerous nice folks,” Milroe mentioned. “And one factor that’s for sure was assembly coach DeBoer alongside this course of. When it initially was hardship with the workers change turned one thing actually good from assembly him. So I can positively say that that was simply nice to be round him, study and simply be capable to develop my data of the sport simply being round him.”
Milroe additionally glowed about Alabama offensive coordinator Nick Sheridan: “probably the greatest coaches I’ve been round,” who Milroe mentioned continued to push him to be his finest.
To Milroe, DeBoer and Sheridan are two the reason why he feels Alabama has a “brilliant future.”
“The folks perceive what must be executed so we could be the most effective model of (ourselves),” Milroe mentioned. “The usual that’s right here, the usual that’s set. And we’ve got numerous nice dudes within the locker room that is hungry, that is trying to get higher, that is trying to uphold the usual.”
Tim Smith did not have a message to Alabama followers after Tuesday’s loss. They’ll really feel what they really feel, the defensive lineman mentioned.
Smith did have a message to his teammates earlier than ending his Alabama profession: proceed to play to that Crimson Tide commonplace, one thing, he mentioned, the gamers helped educate and uphold in a program stuffed with change.
It is why he feels Alabama is ready up for achievement in 2025.
“That is simply my inside scoop,” Smith mentioned. “I see how my guys work day-after-day, how they put together, what they put into it. Although this can be my final recreation or my final 12 months, I do know for a reality they will proceed on that commonplace. … They’re nonetheless going to get their jobs executed, fill within the gaps, do what they’re purported to.”
The 2024 season was powerful for Booker, one he needed to lead Alabama by means of. However it’s one he’s appreciative for, one he feels can have an enduring impact on every member of this system.
“I will not neglect it,” Booker mentioned. “I do know it did not go the best way we wished, however I really feel that everybody goes to develop from it.”
Colin Homosexual covers Alabama soccer for The Tuscaloosa Information, a part of the USA TODAY Community. Attain him or comply with him@_ColinGay on X, previously referred to as Twitter.
The northern lights flare within the sky over a farmhouse on Might 10, 2024, in Brunswick, Maine.
Robert F. Bukaty/AP
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Robert F. Bukaty/AP
Fireworks might not be the one factor lighting up the skies because the clock strikes midnight ringing within the new 12 months.
The northern lights, also called aurora borealis, are forecast to be seen throughout elements of North America beginning Tuesday night time, based on the Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Area Climate Prediction Middle.
A pair of coronal mass ejections — bursts of magnetic subject and plasma from the solar’s outer environment — are anticipated to succeed in Earth Tuesday and create a powerful geomagnetic storm throughout the Northern Hemisphere, doubtlessly giving many Individuals a shocking view as they have a good time the brand new 12 months.
“The aurora might develop into seen over many elements of the northern states and a number of the decrease Midwest to Oregon,” NOAA says.
Northern lights are normally seen in North polar areas, however as a result of the solar’s present photo voltaic cycle has reached its max and produced main photo voltaic storms, the luminous bands of colour have been seen this 12 months in elements of the U.S. that usually wouldn’t see them.
“The Solar has an eleven 12 months exercise cycle, the place frequency of exercise (photo voltaic flares, coronal mass ejections) rises and falls. The 12 months 2024 was the height of our present photo voltaic cycle, marked by a number of photo voltaic storms which impacted the Earth,” Lisa Upton, lead scientist on the Southwest Analysis Institute in Boulder, Shade., tells NPR. Upton can also be co-chair of NOAA and NASA’s Photo voltaic Cycle 25 Prediction Panel.
In Might, individuals in states as far south as Alabama have been handled to the celestial present. Basically, fall and spring are the perfect seasons for on the lookout for northern lights within the U.S., based on NOAA.
Now, if the coronal mass ejection or CME arrives Tuesday afternoon and is powerful sufficient, the night will likely be “promising for aurora improvement,” Shawn Dahl, an area climate forecaster at NOAA’s Area Climate Prediction Middle, tells NPR.
Dahl says Tuesday night time and presumably Wednesday night time are the perfect home windows of alternative to identify auroras.
And since it’s a new moon — its invisible section when the facet of the moon dealing with the Earth isn’t illuminated — possibilities of seeing the aurora in anticipated areas will likely be better.
Nonetheless, seeing an aurora is a “sport of likelihood” and sky watchers ought to be affected person, NASA says.
For the perfect possibilities of seeing the aurora, go exterior at night time away from metropolis lights and look to the north, NOAA advises.
One of the best aurora can normally be seen between 10 p.m. and a couple of a.m. although it additionally could be seen within the morning and within the night, the company says.
Northern lights could be seen with the unaided eye. To snap a very good photograph of the aurora in your cellular phone, use “night time mode,” the company says. You may as well alter the ISO and publicity settings or use an app that may assist together with your digital camera settings.
Skygazers can observe the timing and placement of the aurora on aurora forecast apps and NOAA’s web site.
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