Jefferson responded with a large grin, rubbing his palms collectively in pleasure as Johnson opened the field to disclose a gold pendant necklace to commemorate the second.
“That is hearth,” Jefferson stated earlier than lifting the necklace out for a more in-depth look. “Admire y’all. That is what’s up.”
At 25 years outdated, Jefferson turns into the youngest ever two-time 99 Membership member, having additionally obtained the 99 ranking for Madden 24.
Jefferson is also the primary Viking to earn a 99 ranking greater than as soon as. The Vikings earlier 99 Membership Members have been guard Randall McDaniel (Madden 99), defensive finish Jared Allen (Madden 11) and working again Adrian Peterson (Madden 14).
Six present gamers throughout the league are a part of Madden 25’s 99 Membership: Jefferson, Dolphins WR Tyreek Hill, 49ers RB Christian McCaffrey, Chiefs TE Travis Kelce, Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes and 49ers deal with Trent Williams.
(Téhéran) L’Iran a affirmé samedi son droit à se défendre après des frappes contre ses websites militaires menées par Israël, un dernier épisode en date des hostilités entre les deux pays ennemis qui a suscité des appels à la retenue face au risque d’une escalade militaire au Moyen-Orient.
Agence France-Presse
Pour la première fois, Israël a annoncé publiquement avoir attaqué l’Iran en lançant samedi avant l’aube des frappes aériennes contre des installations de fabrication de missiles dans ce pays. L’Iran a fait état de « dégâts limités » et de quatre militaires tués.
Israël a ensuite menacé l’Iran de lui faire « payer un prix élevé » s’il ripostait, tandis que Téhéran a affirmé avoir « le droit et le devoir de se défendre contre les actes d’agression étrangers », suscitant des avertissements face au risque d’embrasement.
« J’espère que c’est la fin », a déclaré le président américain Joe Biden, dont le pays est un proche allié d’Israël et son principal fournisseur d’armes.
Lors d’une dialog téléphonique avec son homologue israélien Yoav Gallant, le secrétaire américain de la Défense Lloyd Austin a averti que « l’Iran ne devrait pas faire l’erreur de riposter », estimant qu’il existait actuellement « une event d’utiliser la diplomatie pour faire baisser la rigidity dans la région ».
Les raids israéliens sont une riposte à une attaque aux missiles de l’Iran contre le territoire israélien le 1er octobre, un engrenage de violences lié aux guerres menées par Israël contre deux mouvements islamistes soutenus militairement par l’Iran : le Hamas palestinien à Gaza et le Hezbollah au Liban.
La guerre à Gaza a été déclenchée par une attaque meurtrière lancée le 7 octobre 2023 par le Hamas contre Israël depuis la bande de Gaza voisine. En soutien au Hamas, le Hezbollah libanais a ouvert le lendemain un entrance contre Israël en tirant des roquettes sur le nord d’Israël, frontalier du sud du Liban, les hostilités se transformant en guerre ouverte mi-septembre.
« Dégâts limités »
Le 1er octobre, l’Iran a tiré quelque 200 missiles sur Israël pour venger selon lui la mort, le 27 septembre, du chef du Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah et d’un général iranien, tués dans des frappes israéliennes près de Beyrouth, et celle le 31 juillet à Téhéran du chef du Hamas Ismaïl Haniyeh, tué dans une attaque imputée à Israël.
En riposte, l’armée israélienne a dit samedi avoir « frappé des websites de fabrication de missiles […] que l’Iran tire sur l’État d’Israël depuis un an », ainsi que « des batteries de missiles sol-air et d’autres systèmes aériens […] ».
L’armée iranienne a assuré que ces frappes n’avaient causé que « des dégâts limités ». « Seuls certains systèmes radar ont été endommagés », a annoncé l’état-major des forces armées. « Un nombre necessary de missiles ont été interceptés et les avions ennemis ont été empêchés d’entrer dans notre espace aérien. »
« Coup politique »
Malgré les inquiétudes, la vie a continué son cours regular à Téhéran et Tel-Aviv.
« Je ne pense pas qu’il y aura la guerre en Iran », a affirmé Sepideh, 30 ans, en se rendant à son travail à Téhéran.
« On est inquiets, mais pas plus que ça », a réagi Yaniv Chen, 42 ans, sur une plage de Tel-Aviv.
Selon des consultants, l’objectif de l’attaque était de démontrer les capacités offensives israéliennes tout en évitant l’escalade.
Pour Joost Hiltermann, le directeur du programme Moyen-Orient de l’Worldwide Disaster Group, les États-Unis ont voulu que ces représailles soient « proportionnées, afin que l’Iran n’ait pas besoin de répondre ».
De même, Hasni Abidi, directeur du Centre d’études et de recherche sur le monde arabe et méditerranéen (Cermam), estime que sous la pression des États-Unis, Israël a mené une opération « limitée » pour réduire les risques d’une « explosion ». Israël a « réalisé un coup médiatique et politique et non militaire ».
Négociations attendues à Doha
Sur le entrance libanais, l’armée israélienne a fait état de « 80 projectiles » tirés par le Hezbollah depuis le Liban et poursuivi ses frappes sur le sud du pays.
L’agence de presse nationale libanaise Ani a fait état tôt dimanche d’un raid israélien sur la banlieue sud de Beyrouth, un fief du Hezbollah, où l’armée israélienne avait appelé les résidents de deux quartiers à évacuer leurs logements.
Les troupes israéliennes sont engagées dans une offensive terrestre depuis le 30 septembre dans le sud du Liban avec l’objectif de neutraliser les combattants du mouvement libanais et faire cesser les tirs de roquettes.
Après un an d’une offensive dévastatrice et meurtrière dans la bande de Gaza où elle a affaibli le Hamas, l’armée israélienne a concentré ses opérations au Liban en y menant des frappes intenses et meurtrières principalement sur les fiefs du Hezbollah à partir du 23 septembre.
Sur le entrance de Gaza, l’armée israélienne poursuit son offensive aérienne et terrestre dans le territoire palestinien ravagé et en proie à un désastre humanitaire.
De nouvelles négociations sont attendues dimanche à Doha entre Israéliens, Américains et Qatariotes pour évoquer la possibilité d’une trêve à Gaza associée à une libération d’otages enlevés le 7 octobre 2023 et emmenés dans le territoire palestinien.
Les réactions internationales
Des frappes aériennes israéliennes contre des websites de fabrication de missiles en Iran ont suscité samedi de nombreuses condamnations de la half de pays de la région et au-delà, ainsi que des appels à la retenue face aux craintes « d’escalade ». Voici les principales réactions.
Téhéran a condamné les frappes sur son territoire en affirmant que l’Iran avait « le droit et le devoir de se défendre ».
« L’Iran considère qu’il a le droit et le devoir de se défendre contre les actes d’agression étrangers, sur la base du droit inhérent de légitime défense qui determine à l’article 51 de la Charte des Nations unies », selon un communiqué de la diplomatie iranienne.
Moscou s’est inquiétée d’une « escalade explosive en cours entre Israël et la République islamique, qui fait peser de réelles menaces sur la stabilité et la sécurité de la région ».
« Nous demandons à toutes les events concernées de faire preuve de retenue », a ajouté dans un communiqué la porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères Maria Zakharova.
Union européenne
« Le cycle dangereux d’attaques et de représailles risque de provoquer une nouvelle extension du conflit régional », a mis en garde l’UE dans un communiqué.
« Tout en reconnaissant le droit d’Israël à l’autodéfense, l’UE appelle toutes les events à faire preuve de la plus grande retenue pour éviter une escalade incontrôlable », selon le texte.
La diplomatie turque a appelé à « mettre fin à la terreur créée par Israël dans la région » et « condamné » les frappes israéliennes.
« Nous condamnons avec la plus grande fermeté l’attaque israélienne contre l’Iran. En commettant un génocide à Gaza, en se préparant à annexer la Cisjordanie et en tuant des civils chaque jour au Liban, Israël a amené notre région au bord d’une plus grande guerre », selon Ankara.
Arabie saoudite
Riyad a condamné les frappes israéliennes en Iran, mettant en garde contre toute extension du conflit dans la région, où Israël est en guerre contre le Hamas palestinien à Gaza et le Hezbollah au Liban.
« Le Royaume d’Arabie saoudite condamne » les frappes israéliennes en Iran et réitère sa « place ferme de rejet de l’escalade du conflit dans la région », qui « menace la sécurité et la stabilité des pays et des peuples » au Moyen-Orient, a indiqué le ministère des Affaires étrangères sur X.
Le Pakistan a également « condamné » les frappes israéliennes, faisant porter « l’entière responsabilité de l’escalade et de l’extension du conflit » à Israël, qu’il ne reconnaît pas.
Le Pakistan, grand allié régional des États-Unis, partage une longue frontière avec l’Iran.
Le premier ministre pakistanais Shehbaz Sharif s’est dit sur X « très inquiet de l’agression israélienne contre l’Iran ».
Le gouvernement irakien a mis en garde contre les « conséquences dangereuses » résultant du « silence de la communauté internationale » face au « comportement brutal » d’Israël.
Le porte-parole du gouvernement, Basim Alawadi, a accusé Israël de poursuivre « l’growth du conflit dans la région » avec des « attaques perpétrées dans l’impunité ».
Exprimant sa « solidarité » avec Téhéran, la Syrie a soutenu « le droit légitime de l’Iran à se défendre » contre « l’agression israélienne » qu’elle a condamnée.
La Jordanie a également « condamné » les frappes israéliennes. Le royaume a fait half de son « rejet absolu de l’escalade dangereuse dans la région et des violations du droit worldwide ».
Les talibans ont dénoncé « une tentative d’aggraver la violence dans la région qui complique » encore la scenario.
Le premier ministre britannique Keir Starmer a déclaré que l’Iran ne devait « pas répondre » aux frappes israéliennes.
« Il est clair qu’Israël a le droit de se défendre contre l’agression iranienne, et il est tout aussi clair que nous devons éviter une nouvelle escalade régionale, et j’exhorte toutes les events à faire preuve de retenue », a-t-il indiqué.
La France a appelé les events en présence « à s’abstenir de toutes escalade et motion susceptibles d’aggraver le contexte d’extrême rigidity » au Moyen-Orient, selon un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères.
Le chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz a aussi mis en garde samedi Téhéran contre toute « escalade ». « Cela doit cesser maintenant. C’est alors que s’ouvrira la possibilité d’une évolution pacifique au Proche-Orient », a dit M. Scholz sur X.
Le Venezuela « rejette et condamne les attaques perpétrées par le régime sioniste de Netanyahou […] qui constituent un nouvel acte d’agression injustifié », selon un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères, dénonçant les « actions terroristes et génocidaires contre la Palestine et le Liban » d’Israël.
L’Algérie a exprimé « sa solidarité avec ses frères d’Iran après cette agression odieuse » menée « par l’armée d’occupation israélienne », laquelle a plongé la région « dans un cycle sans fin d’insécurité, d’instabilité et d’absence de paix ».
La Tunisie a mis en garde « contre les graves conséquences des attaques menées par l’entité sioniste […] dans une tentative effrénée de déclencher une guerre régionale dévastatrice ».
Manchester United have been held to a 1-1 draw by Fenerbahce on Thursday night time.
The guests opened the scoring within the fifteenth minute by means of Christian Eriksen, who completed a sweeping transfer up the pitch. Fenerbahce pushed for a leveller within the first half, however have been denied by an unbelievable double save from Andre Onana.
After the break, they managed to get the equaliser as Youssef En-Nesyri linked with a header and managed to beat Onana.
Former United supervisor Jose Mourinho was proven a crimson card throughout the second half after closely protesting the referee’s resolution to not award a penalty, however his workforce held out for a draw.
Right here, The Athletic’s specialists Carl Anka and Anantaajith Raghuraman analyse the sport.
What does this draw imply for United?
United’s worrying development of conceding shortly after restarts continued towards Fenerbahce. This time, Allan Saint-Maximin drove down the fitting earlier than his cross discovered En-Nesyri.
The time of aim? 48 minutes and 39 seconds. Erik ten Hag’s response? Substituting Joshua Zirkzee and Victor Lindelof for Rasmus Hojlund and Casemiro. The modifications noticed United resort to their acquainted fashion of play, for higher and worse. Eriksen pulled the strings within the last third whereas Casemiro and Manuel Ugarte sat deep. Ugarte had his greatest efficiency in a United shirt — and it was wanted. United’s recreation plan to bait Fenerbahce’s press earlier than hitting the ball rapidly down the wings lacked the sting that powered the robust efficiency in Saturday’s 2-1 victory over Brentford.
A disappointing efficiency from Diogo Dalot, who was caught out of place a number of instances at right-back, additional hampered the workforce’s fluency on each side of the ball. That incapability to regulate the sport could be seen in The Athletic’s match dashboard beneath.
Ten Hag’s males haven’t gained away from house in Europe since March 2023, a 1-0 victory at Actual Betis. United didn’t seem like conceding a second, nevertheless it was additionally tough to see how they could rating a winner. A late damage to substitute Antony meant Amad was a late throw of the cube, however United lack our bodies and confidence in assault. As Amad and Eriksen stood over a late free kick, with United our bodies loaded within the field, there was extra hope than expectation. Eriksen’s set piece was cleared on the first try.
A 3rd consecutive draw leaves United within the backside half of the Europa League’s ‘league section’ desk. They’ve a struggle on their palms to rise out of the play-off qualification locations and head in the direction of the seeded positions.
Carl Anka
Was Onana’s double save the perfect of the season?
Onana got here to Manchester United’s rescue with round eight minutes left within the first half, simply moments after Victor Lindelof’s well-timed sort out blocked an effort from En-Nesyri. The ensuing nook was performed brief after which cleared earlier than Fenerbahce recycled it to Sebastian Szymanski on the left. Poor communication amongst United defenders meant he obtained the ball in acres of house.
Dusan Tadic flicked on Szymanski’s whipped cross in the direction of En-Nesyri, who pressured a superb diving save from Onana regardless of the United goalkeeper’s preliminary motion within the different course.
Tadic hooked the second ball again to En-Nesyri for an additional header from point-blank vary however once more, Onana reacted brilliantly to get his fingertips to the ball and direct it onto the roof of the online.
The pair of saves saved United’s lead intact heading into half-time and shall be among the many season’s greatest goalkeeping moments. The closest challenger to this point is perhaps one other of Onana’s double saves, which got here towards Crystal Palace within the Premier League final month. It was additionally similar to David Raya’s improbable save for Arsenal towards Atalanta within the Champions League final month. The Spaniard denied Mateo Retegui from a penalty kick by diving low to his proper earlier than getting again on his ft to leap to his left and deny Retegui’s follow-up header.
Onana’s intervention was pivotal for United in a recreation the place the margins for error remained low proper till the top.
Anantaajith Raghuraman
How did Mazraoui carry out as a No 10?
A yellow-card suspension meant United have been with out their captain and talisman Bruno Fernandes, however Ten Hag sprung a shock by choosing Noussair Mazraoui as his playmaking substitute, quite than Eriksen or Amad.
“He’s able to coming there,” was the United supervisor’s clarification earlier than kick-off. “He can do good urgent. Then we are able to see throughout the recreation what is required. We will go together with him perhaps in one other place, and we are able to put a extra offensive participant in that place, or usher in a extra defensive midfielder and convey Casemiro in.”
Mazraoui — who performed as a No 10 throughout his academy days — didn’t take to the position in fairly the identical method as Fernandes. This was not the inventive hub round which United’s different attacking our bodies orbit, however as an alternative one thing of a second striker. The 26-year-old was an additional physique to assist with the workforce’s entrance press and performed easy passes when United entered the ultimate third.
United’s opening aim got here from a fast counter-attack after Ugarte gained the ball excessive up the sphere. Alejandro Garnacho carried the ball excellently down the left earlier than his low cross discovered the ft of Mazraoui. The Morocco worldwide supplied a easy wall move to Zirkzee, who then laid it off to Eriksen on the fringe of the field. Eriksen’s shot discovered the top-left nook and United have been away.
Often, Mazraoui reminded us why he isn’t an attacking midfielder by commerce. One heavy move within the nineteenth minute opened United up for a counter-attack, from which Tadic shot on aim (tamely). At half-time, it regarded as if Ten Hag’s experiment had labored. 5 minutes after that, Fenerbahce’s second-half equaliser noticed the United supervisor deliver on Casemiro to bolster his midfield and moved Eriksen to the No 10 position and Mazraoui to left-back.
It’s unlikely Ten Hag will repeat the trick for Sunday’s fixture towards West Ham United, however for round 50 minutes, Mazraoui did a satisfactory job as a No 10.
Carl Anka
How did Ugarte fare on his return to the beginning line-up?
In his fourth begin of the season, Ugarte displayed a number of the qualities that persuaded United to signal him this summer season. Eriksen’s presence and the relative success of the Mazraoui experiment meant Ugarte didn’t have to progress the ball, so he may focus as an alternative on recycling possession and slowing down the sport’s tempo.
He had a few iffy moments within the recreation’s opening interval however settled in nicely and performed an necessary position within the opener — however his greatest second got here a couple of minutes later. Onana palmed Szymanski’s cross straight to Tadic, however Ugarte raced again and dived in to dam Tadic’s effort along with his foot, a lot to the delight of his team-mates.
Ugarte performed nicely on Thursday (Oguz Yeter/Anadolu through Getty Photos)
A couple of extra necessary defensive interventions and neat move exchanges helped United see out the half with a lead. A type of noticed him hold tempo with Fred all through a Fenerbahce counter within the thirty fourth minute to nullify him as a move receiver, forcing Tadic again and giving United’s defence time to get themselves organised.
Even after Fenerbahce’s aim, Ugarte remained one in every of United’s higher defensive gamers. He ended the match with 4 clearances and three interceptions, each of which have been team-high marks. The Uruguay midfielder additionally accomplished 88 per cent of his passes and made two tackles. It wasn’t an ideal efficiency, nonetheless, as he gave away possession 5 instances and dedicated 4 fouls however, as could be seen from his participant dashboard beneath, this was a step in the fitting course.
Anantaajith Raghuraman
What did Erik ten Hag say?
Ten Hag spoke in regards to the damage suffered by Antony after the sport. The winger ended up leaving the stadium in a protecting boot.
“It’s actually unfortunate for him,” he stated, as reported by “I really feel actual compassion for him, when he labored so exhausting in coaching.
“His coaching performances are that good that he deserved to come back on. When it’s a must to come off so rapidly, that’s actually unhappy to see. Hopefully, it’s not too unhealthy, now we have to attend 24 hours for what the evaluation is.”
What subsequent for Manchester United?
Sunday, October 27: West Ham (away), Premier League, 4.30pm UK time, 12.30am ET
Beneficial studying
(High picture: Ahmad Mora – UEFA/UEFA through Getty Photos)
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel delivered its long-expected response to Iranian missile assaults early Saturday by finishing up a collection of airstrikes in opposition to the Islamic Republic. Right here’s what to know:
A number of targets have been struck
Underneath the duvet of darkness early Saturday, Israel struck a number of websites in numerous components of Iran. Explosions have been heard within the capital, Tehran, which sits deep contained in the nation. The Israeli navy stated its “exact and focused strikes” hit missile air protection techniques and “aerial capabilities” in addition to missile manufacturing amenities used to supply weapons which were used in opposition to Israel. Iran insisted the strikes brought on solely “restricted harm.” It was not instantly clear how arduous of a blow Israel dealt, with neither nation offering detailed assessments of the destruction. Iran stated the strikes focused navy bases within the provinces of Ilam, Khuzestan and Tehran. Israel appeared assured in its battering of Iran’s air defenses, with navy spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari saying that “Israel now has broader aerial freedom of operation in Iran.” What wasn’t hit additionally issues The strikes didn’t seem to focus on amenities that will all however guarantee a harsh Iranian response. These most notably embody Iran’s oil infrastructure, the spine of the OPEC member’s economic system, and its nuclear amenities.President Biden earlier this month stated he wouldn’t help an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear websites. U.S. officers felt that they had secured settlement from Israel to not hit nuclear or oil websites after dispatching one other air-defense missile battery and related troops, although these assurances weren’t set in sto
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Israel signaled that the pre-dawn bombardment was the top of this assault. “The retaliatory strike has been accomplished, and its aims have been achieved,” Hagari stated early Saturday, nonetheless the Sabbath in Israel. Not lengthy after, Iran’s Civil Aviation Group stated business flights would resume after being halted due to the airstrikes. The Israeli assaults aimed to discourage future aggression and “present we gained’t be silent,” however to take action in a means that will decrease the embarrassment for Iran, stated Yoel Guzansky, a researcher on the Tel Aviv-based Institute for Nationwide Safety Research.
Outrage and requires restraint
The White Home indicated that it desires the strikes to finish the direct exchanges of fireplace between Israel and Iran, and warned Iran in opposition to responding. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer stated there was a “have to keep away from additional regional escalation” and referred to as on all sides to point out restraint. Reactions within the area have been harsher. Saudi Arabia, Iran’s principal Arab rival, condemned the strike, calling it a menace to regional safety and “a violation of worldwide legal guidelines and norms.” Turkey accused Israel of getting “introduced our area to the brink of a higher battle” and stated, “placing an finish to the fear created by Israel within the area has develop into a historic obligation.” Syria and Iraq have been amongst different nations within the area condemning the strikes. So did Hamas, which together with different militants attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, killing 1,200 folks, largely civilians, and taking some 250 hostages into Gaza. Israel’s retaliatory offensive within the Gaza Strip has to this point killed greater than 42,000 Palestinians, in accordance with native well being officers, who don’t differentiate between civilians and combatants however say girls and youngsters make up for greater than half the deaths.
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The Iranian International Ministry stated Iran would reply to the airstrikes, calling them a transparent violation of worldwide legislation because it asserted Tehran’s proper to self-defense. Israel characterised Saturday’s assault as a response to earlier aerial assaults by Iran utilizing missiles and exploding drones in April and one other missile assault this month. Lots of these projectiles have been shot down earlier than reaching their targets. Iran might try one other direct bombardment, although doing so dangers upsetting yet one more direct Israeli assault on its territory at a second when its defenses are weakened. It might additionally encourage allied militant teams similar to Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon to accentuate their assaults, although each have suffered severe blows of their ongoing wars with Israel. “Iran will play down the impression of the strikes, that are in reality fairly severe,” predicted Sanam Vakil, the director of the Center East and North Africa program on the London-based suppose tank Chatham Home. She stated Iran is “boxed in by their very own navy limitations, financial constraints from sanctions and by the U.S. election consequence,” which might have an effect on the course of additional escalation or diplomatic outreach.
Jose Mourinho mocked the “unimaginable” clarification of the referee after he was proven a crimson card throughout his Fenerbahce facet’s 1-1 Europa League draw towards former membership Manchester United on Thursday.
Mourinho was proven the crimson card simply earlier than the hour mark amid a heated dispute with the referee, which seemingly included some vibrant language, after Fenerbahce had been denied an enchantment for a penalty.
After initially saying he did not need to communicate in regards to the non-penalty, Mourinho ridiculed the referee’s account of the incident.
“He advised us one thing unimaginable,” Mourinho advised TNT Sports activities. “He advised that on the identical time he may see the motion within the field and my conduct on the touchline.
“I congratulate him as a result of he’s completely unimaginable, his peripheral imaginative and prescient. Throughout the sport, 100 mph, he had one eye on the penalty scenario, and he had one eye on the bench and my behaviour. In order that’s the reason he gave me. That is why he is the most effective referees on this planet.”
Mourinho was beforehand given a four-game European ban for abusing the referee when his Roma facet misplaced within the Europa League closing to Sevilla in Could 2023. And he cited that incident as a cause he would not be interesting his crimson card on Thursday.
“If I enchantment, I’ll get six months,” Mourinho mentioned later throughout his information convention. “For the reason that Sevilla-Roma closing there’s nothing to do.”
Mourinho even quipped that he would take a job sooner or later with a membership not in European competitors.
“The very best factor I’ve to do is once I depart Fenerbahce, I am going to a membership that does not play in UEFA competitors,” he mentioned. “So, if any membership in England from the underside of the desk wants a coach in two years, I am able to go.”
Man United led early from Christian Eriksen’s Fifteenth-minute aim solely to see Youssef En-Nesyri equalize within the forty ninth, heading residence unmarked from shut vary on a cross from Allan Saint-Maximin.
The outcome retains Fenerbahce unbeaten with 5 factors from three video games, however Mourinho mentioned he believed his workforce ought to have gotten extra from the sport.
“It could be honest to say that we did a unprecedented match and we had been higher than them, so good outcome for Man United,” he mentioned to TNT Sports activities.
“My boys performed an incredible match,” he added. “We performed towards a workforce that’s at a superior degree to us. We completed the sport with a centre-back enjoying at right-back and a right-back at left-back. We needed to do a loopy puzzle, however our efficiency was extraordinary, and I could not ask for something extra from the gamers.”
Mourinho led United to win the Europa League in 2017 throughout his 2½ years at Previous Trafford. He took the Fenerbahce job this previous offseason.
Info from Reuters and The Related Press contributed to this report.
The Brewers received provincial and Western Canadian championships this yr.
REGINA – The Estevan 18U AA Brewers have added to their record of accolades for 2024, as they had been named Baseball Saskatchewan’s Senior Workforce of the Yr on the provincial awards evening Oct. 19 in Regina.
In response to Baseball Sask., the Brewers’ mixed season document for the yr was 34-4. They went 24-4 in league play, which left Estevan in high spot within the Saskatchewan Premier Baseball League’s 18U AA circuit.
The Brewers’ season was capped off by profitable not solely the 2024 18U AA Tier 1 provincial championship, but in addition the 2024 18U AA Western Canada Baseball Affiliation championship.
At each the provincial and Western Canada championships, the crew posted excellent 5-0 information.
“Their sturdy defensive play was evident as they solely gave up a complete of six runs via 5 video games on the Western Canada championships. One other spotlight of their season was a 19-game profitable streak from July 9 to August 18,” the bio said.
The Brewers are the third Estevan crew to win a Western Canada baseball title.
The bio went on to say that led by their graduating gamers, sportsmanship was on the centre of the crew, as they acquired many compliments from opposing mother and father, coaches and umpires on their skilled conduct and attitudes.
“The crew performed nice baseball, had enjoyable doing such and the gamers had been actually nice ambassadors for the town, province and the game of baseball.”
The Brewers had been certainly one of a number of Baseball Sask award winners this yr from the southeast. SaskToday will proceed to have tales in the course of the weekend.
Additionally, the Regina 13U AAA White Sox had been chosen because the minor crew of the yr, as they received the Western Canadian match for his or her age group. Estevan’s Taysen Tangjerd was added to the crew for Western Canadians.
Tyler, the Creator is coming to Boston in July of subsequent 12 months.
The Grammy-winning artist introduced his 2025 world tour on Wednesday after a string of releases selling his new album, “Chromakopia.” The tour, which is titled after the album, can have rapper Lil Yachty and hip hop duo Paris Texas performing with acclaimed “IGOR” musician.
“Chromakopia” is about to launch on Oct. 28, simply 4 days earlier than tickets go on sale for his world tour. It has been three years since Tyler, the Creator’s final album, “Name Me if You Get Misplaced,” so each bulletins are pleasant surprises to his followers who’ve been ready for his new challenge.
Tyler, the Creator Boston 2025
The “Earfquake” rapper will probably be performing out of TD Backyard in Boston as a part of his world tour on July 8.
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You should purchase tickets to the Boston present right here; tickets go on sale to the general public on Nov. 1. You may also register right here and get presale entry to tickets on Oct. 30.
This introduced present wasn’t the one love that the California-born auteur gave to Boston, as he featured Boston’s personal Ayo Edebiri as a crazed fan in a brief music video for his track, “NOID,” which can be set to be on his upcoming album.
Rin Velasco is a trending reporter. She might be reached at
Friday was a big day for a lot of causes for Juan Soto. The Yankees star was not solely taking part in in his second profession World Collection however he additionally turned 26 years previous. Birthdays are at all times essential, however particularly while you’re a famous person taking part in within the Fall Basic.
To assist have fun the event, Braves second baseman and 2024 World Collection correspondent Ozzie Albies stunned Soto on the sector with a birthday cupcake forward of the Recreation 1 opener at Dodger Stadium.
Soto hardly wanted extra good vibes heading into the World Collection, however Albies — a former NL East rival when Soto was with the Nationals — actually tried to carry some. Soto had loved a memorable postseason run up to now, working a 1.106 OPS within the Yankees’ first two playoff rounds whereas hitting the pivotal game-winning dwelling run in Recreation 5 of the ALCS vs. Cleveland.
Soto tried to hold his playoff success into the World Collection, going 1-for-3 with two walks and a run scored. With Albies offering slightly further mojo, Soto might need a bit extra in retailer for this Collection in opposition to the Dodgers.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — — Anthony Edwards hit a pair of free throws with 2.4 seconds remaining and the Timberwolves spoiled Sacramento’s opener by beating the Kings 117-115 on Thursday night time.
Edwards acquired fouled by Domantas Sabonis on a drive with the sport tied and calmly hit the free throws to offer him 32 factors.
Keegan Murray’s 3-point try rimmed out on the buzzer for the Kings.
Julius Randle led the Timberwolves with 33 factors in his second sport after being acquired in a commerce from New York this month.
Demar DeRozan scored 26 factors to steer the Kings in his debut for Sacramento after being acquired this summer season in a sign-and-trade from Chicago. Sabonis added 24 factors and Murray had 23.
Timberwolves: Minnesota got here out of its season-opening journey to California with a break up after rebounding from a loss to the Lakers on Tuesday night time. Randle appeared rather more assertive in his second sport after taking solely 10 photographs within the opener.
Kings: Sacramento has misplaced its final six season openers performed at dwelling with the final win coming in 2013 in opposition to Denver.
Key second
Edwards and Naz Reid hit back-to-back 3-pointers that began an 11-0 run for Minnesota that turned a five-point deficit right into a 105-99 lead halfway via the fourth quarter.
Key stat
After going 13 for 41 from 3 within the opener, Minnesota shot 20 for 50 from lengthy vary in opposition to Sacramento. The 91 tried 3s are probably the most ever for the Timberwolves within the first two video games of a season.
Up subsequent
The Timberwolves play their dwelling opener on Saturday night time in opposition to Toronto, whereas the Kings journey to Los Angeles to face the Lakers on Saturday.
HALIFAX, CAN(October 25, 2024) – The fiftieth version of Skate Canada Worldwide (SCI) kicked off Friday on the Scotiabank Centre in downtown Halifax, N.S., with reigning World Champions Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps dominating the pair competitors to the delight of the Canadian crowds.
Stellato-Dudek of Chicago, USA and Deschamps of Vaudreuil-Dorion, Que., have been the final skaters to take to the ice within the pair competitors, with their quick program securing the highest rating of the day (73.23). The rating was effectively away from the remainder of the sector, however nonetheless not fairly the place the workforce needed to be after the primary day.
“It’s all the time enjoyable to be in entrance of a Canadian crowd, and we really feel the work we put into the second mark confirmed in our rating. Sadly we had technical errors this time and didn’t get the rating we have been hoping for,” mentioned Stellato-Dudek who had her eyes set on a rating within the excessive 70s.
Pairs workforce Kelly Ann Laurin of St-Jérôme, Que., and Loucas Éthier of St-Alphonse, Que., completed the day ranked final with a rating of 52.16 after receiving a rating of zero for his or her loss of life spiral.
“We’re a little bit dissatisfied with the little errors that we made – however I don’t assume there have been any main errors. We had a little bit hit upon the loss of life spiral, and we weren’t anticipating an excellent excessive rating – however I can’t even clarify how we bought that rating,” mentioned Éthier following the competitors. “Tomorrow, we’ll simply attempt to skate how we normally skate and simply do it for ourselves as we will’t management the remaining.”
Annika Hocke and Robert Kunkel of Germany are in second heading into the free skate tomorrow, adopted by Anastasia Golubeva and Hektor Giotopoulos Moore of Australia in third.
Madeline Schizas of Oakville, Ont., was the highest Canadian performer within the girls’s competitors, ending the day ranked fifth general with a rating of 65.28 for her quick program.
“I’ve skated some clear packages, however one thing about this program simply makes me glad to get on the market and glad to compete,” mentioned Schizas following the competitors.
Kaiya Ruiter of Calgary, Alta., the reigning Canadian senior girls’s champion, wasn’t far behind Schizas, scoring a 57.66 to complete the day in seventh place, whereas Sara Maude Dupuis of Montreal, Que., completed the day in ninth place with a rating of 54.15.
Kaori Sakamoto proved why she’s a three-time World Champion – dominating the competitors with a rating of 74.97 to prime the chief board for the ladies heading into the free skate Saturday. Alysa Lui of the USA is sitting in second (67.68), whereas Kimmy Repond of Switzerland sits in third (66.94).
Skate Canada Worldwide continues Saturday with all 4 disciplines competing. The ice dancers will take to the ice first to carry out their rhythm dance, adopted by the lads performing their quick program. The day will wrap up with the free skate and medals awarded for the pairs and girls’s competitors. The competitors will shut on Sunday with medals awarded for ice dance and the lads’s competitors.
For full outcomes please click on right here.
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