3 arrested, children found safe after Amber Alert in Tulare County, deputies say

TULARE COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) — Two youngsters have been positioned after legislation enforcement issued an early morning Amber Alert in Tulare County on Monday.

The siblings, a 5-year-old boy and six-year-old lady, are secure after being handed over to legislation enforcement by two of the suspects.

The Tulare County Sheriff’s Workplace says 29-year-old Makenzie Morelli, who’s the kids’s organic mom, and 57-year-old David Steen had been arrested.

Later Monday night time, investigators introduced that 28-year-old Kayla Williams was additionally arrested in Fresno.

Round midnight, deputies say they obtained a name for a housebreaking and kidnapping at a house in Earlimart.

The authorized guardian of the siblings, which is their organic aunt, informed police she was additionally assaulted when 4 individuals broke into her dwelling.

“These are very critical offenses, housebreaking, abduction, kidnapping. An entire Amber Alert went out due to this. Individuals on this total county and the encompassing counties in your entire state had been woken up at 2 o’clock within the morning due to this. So, it is vitally critical,” stated Ashley Ritchie with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Workplace.

Ritchie says it is seemingly the alleged kidnapper’s obtained the emergency notifications on their telephones.

“The suspect might have seen the Amber Alert, seemingly bought it on her personal cellphone and determined it was greatest to carry the kids again,” stated Ritchie.

“So, with out that Amber Alert popping out, I do not understand how it will’ve turned out.”

The California Freeway Patrol is echoing the message from the sheriff’s workplace in regards to the significance of Amber Alerts.

“The Amber Alerts are of the utmost essential, and we guarantee that these aren’t put out till all of the steps are verified,” stated California Freeway Patrol Officer Adrian Gonzalez.

Though the household says that youngsters are secure and again dwelling, the scenario was nonetheless scary for the victims concerned.

“All we wish is the most effective for the kids and we’re so grateful that it turned out the best way that it did and so they had been introduced again safely, however that is completely definitely gonna be a terrifying scenario for these children,” stated Ritchie.

Investigators say they’re nonetheless engaged on monitoring down one extra suspect.

Anybody with info is requested to name the Tulare County Sheriff’s Workplace.

For information updates, comply with Kassandra Gutierrez on Fb, Twitter and Instagram.

Copyright © 2024 KFSN-TV. All Rights Reserved.

Robin Lehner publie des messages terrifiants et très sombres via son compte Twitter/X

En septembre dernier, nous vous informions de la scenario du vétéran gardien de however des Golden Knights de Las Vegas, Robin Lehner, à l’effet que ce dernier se dirigeait fort possiblement vers la fin de sa carrière.

Ayant subi une blessure majeure à la hanche qui l’a contraint à subir une chirurgie avant la saison 2022-2023, Lehner n’a pas joué un seul match depuis la fin de la saison 2021-22. 

Qui plus est, ce dernier ne s’est pas présenté au camp des Golden Knights au début de la saison, sans toutefois dévoiler la problématique derrière cette décision.

Néanmoins, dans les dernières années, le principal intéressé n’a jamais caché le fait de devoir vivre au quotidien avec des problèmes reliés à la maladie mentale.

Or, dans les dernières heures, Lehner a publié plusieurs messages through son fil Twitter/X et les choses ne semblent encore être difficiles pour lui.

En effet, ce dernier semble avoir désespérément besoin d’aide et nous espérons que ce dernier pourra bénéficier d’une aide adaptée avant qu’une scenario horrible ne se produise.

Comme le rapporte Jonathan Larivée de HockeyFeed, “vendredi soir, le gardien de however de longue date de la LNH s’est rendu sur les réseaux sociaux pour exprimer un grand nombre de choses qu’il avait sur le cœur. Il ne semblait pas être dans un état d’esprit sain au second où il a écrit ces choses et il est assez difficile de saisir exactement ce qu’il essayait de dire alors qu’il semblait divaguer en adressant toutes sortes de reproches dans toutes les instructions.”

Dans une série de cinq messages, Lehner y est allé de plusieurs propos incohérents.

Premier message

Dans son premier message, Lehner a commencé par dire que son cerveau était « complètement brisé » avant de se lancer dans un lengthy discours qui s’est terminée par une déclaration selon laquelle son nom devrait être effacé parce qu’il est « maléfique ».

Il n’y a plus de silence, mon cerveau est maintenant complètement brisé et il n’y a pas de retour doable. Le chaos ne s’arrêtera jamais et les illusions pour lesquelles j’ai prié étaient un cauchemar qui est devenu réalité. […] Quand la fin crée un nouveau départ de vérité et de sécurité pour ceux qui en ont payé le prix et la souffrance. Quand le cauchemar prend fin et crée la paix et le bonheur. Lorsque les conséquences et la tragédie créent la sécurité et la justice, cela apporte un premier sourire et un optimisme de changement et de nouveau départ. Quand la douleur devient une amie et constante, c’est la seule selected qui ne vous a jamais quitté. Quand le mensonge et le mal détruisent les liens les plus purs. L’amour et la loyauté finissent par lâcher votre important et vous comprenez enfin. […] D’autres devront également répondre maintenant. Tout en regardant l’obscurité, une petite lumière brille maintenant. C’est-à-dire qu’ils devront affronter la même obscurité mais ce n’est pas leur ami. Profitez-en. À ceux qui ont été touchés et qui m’ont aimé. Célébrez et avancez vers la liberté d’un avenir plein de bénédictions que la vie peut offrir avec sécurité et bonheur. Sachez que la torture et la folie sont terminées et qu’enfin peut-être il y aura du bonheur et de la paix pour moi. Je suis prêt à répondre à mon jugement, personne ne peut me juger pire que moi-même. […] La vérité ici vous montrera tout et je ne vais pas me cacher derrière quelque selected et vous manquer davantage de respect. Je mérite votre haine, automobile je laisse cela se produire quelle que soit la scenario. À ma famille intérieure, sachez que j’aimerais pouvoir faire n’importe quoi et que je t’aime.

[…] Le nom de Lehner doit être effacé. C’est mal et doit être effacé!

Robin Lehner, Twitter/X

Deuxième message

Dès le début du 2e message, Lehner affirme que son compte a été piraté, croyant possiblement que cette publication pourrait atténuer les mots de son premier texte.

Au cours de cette deuxième partie, il pointe du doigt la LNH et l’AJLNH pour leurs mesures entourant le vaccin contre la Covid, tout en se plaignant de sa scenario financière en raison de ses prêts. Il mentionne également avoir été placé dans un programme d’aide au suicide.

Toutes mes excuses. Mon compte a clairement été piraté. Tout ça n’était pas réel. […] Le propriétaire du compte piraté travaille à un retour à sa carrière et progresse bien. La rééducation et l’entraînement se passent bien. Les informations peuvent être transférées aux personnes à qui vous devez les informer pour toute dissimulation dont vous avez besoin. […] J’espère que les joueurs pourront voir qui dans la LNH a forcé et trompé lors de la période de la CoVID pour qu’ils soient libérés s’ils ont obtenu des exemptions. J’espère que la ligue et la NHLPA aideront les autres à l’avenir lorsqu’ils sauront que leur famille va être tuée et que des gens leur extorquent de l’argent et sont de grandes organisations criminelles. Quand ils entendent des enregistrements et voient des preuves, mais qu’il croit que je suis bipolaire. J’aurais aimé que ce soit le cas. Même lorsque cela se produit en treatment de désintoxication et qu’ils entendent et voient. Je veux dire, c’est aussi la raison pour laquelle j’étais en treatment de désintoxication et c’est documenté. Ils savaient pourquoi… Je me suis emmené en treatment de désintoxication après une crise de panique. J’ai obtenu un congé personnel pour obtenir des prêts afin de protéger ma famille qui était en prepare de se faire tuer… tout le monde le savait… mais peut-être aussi après avoir pris de la drogue et reçu des pilules depuis que je suis arrivé dans la ligue, toute ma carrière, j’ai toujours été positif à mes assessments de dépistage de drogue, même après les cures de désintoxication jusqu’à ce que ils maintenant. […] Des déclarations ont été envoyées par les avocats et les gens autour de moi qui m’ont forcé à déclarer faillite… tout en souffrant d’une psychose après mon réveil après une opération chirurgicale… […] Malheureusement, les forces de l’ordre du monde entier en ont connu et vu beaucoup. Ce ne sont pas de petites personnes qui ont été impliquées pendant toutes ces années. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas pu aller au camp automobile il y avait une grande menace autour de ma famille à ce moment-là et on ne m’a pas dit de voyager. Je ne sais pas ce que le FBI a dit à ma femme lorsqu’ils les ont contactés et se sont occupés d’eux. […]

Robin Lehner, Twitter/X

Troisième message

Dans la 3e partie du message, Lehner blâme son père pour avoir détruit sa vie tout en remerciant un homme anonyme au sein de l’organisation des Islanders de New York pour l’avoir aidé à un second difficile de sa carrière.

Il y a vraiment quelqu’un qui m’a tendu la important et qui a essayé de me sortir de cette scenario. De la seule organisation qui a donné à ma famille un peu d’espoir et un nouveau départ. Nous savons tous qui est cet homme et c’est le même qui ne m’a pas jugé et qui m’a rencontré après que toutes les autres équipes aient dit de la merde à mon propos. Nous avons parlé de la vie. Les affaires ont mis fin à ce voyage, mais Lengthy Island m’a donné une année de bonheur dans le cauchemar qu’est ma vie… Vous avez donné à ma femme et à mes enfants des moments pour qu’ils me voient heureux pour de vrai dans une vie uncommon. […] Le hockey était une activité secondaire pour moi, automobile je n’ai jamais aimé jouer ou je n’en avais pas vraiment envie. Je ne m’intègre jamais et pour trigger… […] Mon père devait beaucoup d’argent aux Suédois et m’a fait signer des garanties quand j’avais 19-20 ans, ma vie financière était déjà terminée la première année de mon contrat de recrue. Je ne suis pas allé à l’école et j’ai quitté la Suède tout seul à 18 ans pour m’échapper lorsque j’ai été repêché pour une raison quelconque. Lors de mon année de repêchage, je n’ai pas joué beaucoup de matchs… j’ai arrêté le hockey et j’ai fait de mauvaises choses. Mais je l’ai pris et je suis parti. Faire aveuglément confiance aux gens et à mon propre père comme à un clochard instruit qui m’a fait détruire ma vie et affecté les autres, c’est de ma faute. […]

Robin Lehner, Twitter/X

Quatrième message

Dans la quatrième partie de son message, Lehner attaque les Golden Knights de Las Vegas et cible spécifiquement « Pete »  qui semble être l’ancien entraîneur-chef des Knights, Peter DeBoer. Lehner parle toutefois positivement de l’agent de joueurs de la LNH Alan Walsh et de Kelly McCrimmon.

Ma carrière de joueur s’est terminée d’une triste manière à Vegas.. je suis en prepare de divorcer.. je me suis battu contre des blessures.. je fais face à ces choses incroyables qui sont ma vie..  mon fils a des soucis de santé… puis, comme d’autres gardiens de however, Pete, ce lâche, m’a mis de côté. […] Il ne m’aimait vraiment pas. Walsh, pour sa half est une légende pour la façon dont il défend ses joueurs. Est-ce que je l’ai mérité ? Non. […] McCrimmon le savait et a essayé d’arrêter DeBoer. Mais non, ça n’a pas marché et les joueurs le savaient aussi. C’était personnel maintenant et j’essayais de faire de mon mieux tout en ne fonctionnant pas très bien… […]

Robin Lehner, Twitter/X

Cinquième message

La partie la plus inquiétante du message de Lehner apparaît cependant dans le cinquième et ce qui semble être le dernier volet. Il s’agit d’un message qui se lit comme un message avec une finalité très sombre…

Ils ont pris des décisions à ma place, peu importe ce que je voulais. Tant mieux pour toi Heinsey! 🙂 Il a mis un terme à ma carrière de hockeyeur… Et ce gâchis d’écriture que je fais maintenant… automobile je ne suis pas dans le meilleur état d’esprit maintenant et disons que quelque selected cloche dans ma tête. […] Continuez de dire que je suis bipolaire! Déteste-moi. […] Faire quelque selected que je ne veux pas faire dans l’espoir que l’attaque contre ma famille cesse et qu’elle puisse avoir un avenir sûr et vivre une vie normale. La réalité, c’est que je suis juste assis quelque half en prepare de respirer, essayant de ne pas faire grand-chose comme ça. […] Ils essaient de trouver un moyen de supprimer le contrat et de s’assurer que je ne partage pas beaucoup de ces choses. Si je proceed à jouer et à garder le silence, je risque que mes enfants se retrouvent dans la rue. […] Ils connaissent les médicaments sévères que je prenais et il sait ce qui m’est arrivé et quels mensonges m’ont affecté. […] J’aurais aimé avoir plus de temps et comprendre pourquoi cela se produit ainsi et pourquoi ne pas simplement me détruire avec la vérité. J’ai été un père et un mari épouvantable, c’est la vérité. Mais je les aime tellement et j’aurais aimé être plus fort et ne pas être dans cette place. Mais pour eux, je voulais tout donner pour qu’au moins ils puissent me détester pour ce que j’ai réellement fait. Le chaos prendra fin et j’espère que ma famille bénéficiera d’une vie et d’une sécurité constante et que cette attaque pourra cesser. Je suis désolé. Que Dieu te bénisse.

Robin Lehner, Twitter/X

Espérons que Robin Lehner soit en mesure de s’en sortir et qu’il pourra bénéficier de toute l’aide doable afin que ce dernier ne pose pas de gestes malheureux.

Nos pensées sont avec lui.

Crédit à Jonathan Larivée de HockeyFeed

Child and noncustodial parent found safe after deadly fire

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) — New particulars have been launched in a creating story involving a deadly hearth and Amber Alert.

Based on West Virginia State Police (WVSP), a 15-month-old child and her noncustodial father or mother, Joshua Morrow, have each been positioned.

The 2 have been unaccounted for after a lethal hearth that occurred late Sunday evening, resulting in an Amber Alert being issued with the infant as the topic of that alert.

Troopers say the infant was positioned protected and unhurt at a household pal’s home.

Morrow was positioned and questioned in Morgantown, and he was launched with no prices pending right now.

Following the lethal hearth, companies concerned on this investigation are awaiting post-mortem outcomes, based on WVSP.

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) — An Amber Alert issued early on Monday for a 15-month-old woman has been cancelled.

Based on legislation enforcement, the 15-month-old was discovered protected.

Based on West Virginia State Police, when emergency crews arrived on the scene of a deadly hearth alongside Spring Valley Drive on Sunday evening, the 15-month-old and her noncustodial father or mother, Joshua Morrow, have been unaccounted for.

2 girls lifeless in home hearth

Two girls died within the hearth, based on the West Virginia State Fireplace Marshal’s Workplace.

The 15-month-old who was the topic of the Amber Alert has been discovered protected, however Joshua Morrow, 42, has not been positioned, based on West Virginia State Police.

Anybody with data is requested to contact West Virginia State Police at 304.272.5131.

Preserve checking the WSAZ app for the most recent data.

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) – An Amber Alert has been issued for a 15-month-old woman allegedly kidnapped from the Cabell County, Wayne County areas of West Virginia.

The alert lists a Blue Subaru Legacy with West Virginia license plate 4HF387.

Based on the Amber Alert Makynlee Morrow has been lacking Dec. 16.

The kid is presumed to be along with her father which is the noncustodial father or mother, emergency officers verify.

The alert lists a Joshua Morrow, 42, as an ‘related companion’ of Makynlee.

Anybody with data is requested to contact West Virginia State Police at 304.272.5131.

Preserve checking the WSAZ app for the most recent data.

GST holiday begins today | CTV News

As a two-month break from the federal GST took impact Saturday, consumers and companies expressed lukewarm assist for the measure.

In Montreal, Patrick Neault, basic supervisor of Raffin Bookstore, stated the chain needed to shift some employees throughout the vacation season to ensure the shop was compliant.

“We labored form of onerous the final three weeks in order that it goes fluidly in the present day and it’s working tremendous thus far,” he stated, including Ottawa’s announcement wasn’t welcoming information when first introduced.

However Nault isn’t sure that the advantages for retailers and consumers will in the end outweigh the additional work employees needed to put in.

“It’s not that a lot of a deal. It’s like just a few per cent (low cost) on a transaction. I’m undecided that’s a really sturdy incentive,” he stated.

The federal authorities introduced the plan to quickly waive the 5 per cent items and companies tax in a bid to assist ease affordability issues throughout the vacation season.

Provinces with a harmonized provincial and federal gross sales tax will see the complete HST waived.

At a bustling mall in Halifax, Katrina Rose set out early within the day to purchase her younger daughter’s vacation outfit. She stated she waited till the tax break took impact to make some vacation purchases to make the most of financial savings.

“My daughter is a large guide lover, so issues like books and board video games and people common toys we’d wish to get for the vacations I saved till now,” she stated in an interview Saturday.

In the meantime, Jennifer Matthew stated she forgot the tax break was beginning on Saturday and didn’t issue that into her vacation buying. She says the tax break on meals, alcohol and clothes will assist with some financial savings for her and her two daughters, however gained’t deliver a few vital quantity of financial savings within the grand scheme of issues.

“I don’t suppose it’s going to place an enormous dent in my pockets by any means. I don’t suppose we’ll have the ability to guide that vacation, however like something each penny helps,” she stated.

Her 10-year-old daughter Ruby stated she’s excited concerning the potential financial savings the break will deliver for some hoodies she’s had her eye on.

The tax break is ready to run till Feb. 15, 2025, and it applies to dozens of things together with restaurant meals, youngsters’s clothes, wine and beer, youngsters’s toys and Christmas timber.

Nevertheless, product classes eligible for GST aid have loads of exemptions, with objects like meals and drinks from merchandising machines, magazines, clothes for sports activities actions, and a few collectibles and toys not making the lower.

In a press launch Saturday, Innovation, Science and Financial Growth Canada stated Ottawa is doing what it will possibly to assist Canadians combating their budgets.

Kamal Khera, Minister of Variety, Inclusion and Individuals with Disabilities stated within the launch that the cuts ought to assist with the added bills the vacation season typically brings.

“With new tax cuts on necessities and vacation bills, we’re serving to to scale back prices for households once they want aid essentially the most,” she stated in an announcement.

Kelly Higginson, CEO of Eating places Canada, stated within the launch that she was happy with the choice to quickly waive the tax, which ought to strengthen gross sales within the restaurant business.

This report by The Canadian Press was first printed Dec. 14, 2024.

With information from Joe Bongiorno in Montreal and Cassidy McMackon in Halifax.

QB Will Levis may stay benched with the Titans desperate to win down the stretch

NASHVILLE, Ten. (AP) — Brian Callahan goes to take a few days to determine if the Tennessee Titans…

NASHVILLE, Ten. (AP) — Brian Callahan goes to take a few days to determine if the Tennessee Titans must preserve their beginning quarterback on the bench.

Callahan sat Will Levis after his fourth turnover, a pick-6, in a 37-27 loss to Cincinnati. If Callahan and the Titans preserve Levis on the bench and begin veteran backup Mason Rudolph on Sunday at Indianapolis, Callahan stated it’s not a closing choice on the second-year quarterback’s future with the staff.

The important thing? Ensure that the Titans are doing the best factor now with three video games remaining of their season.

“On the finish of the day, it’s you’ve bought to win,” Callahan stated.

The Titans (3-11) need to win out simply to match final season’s win whole, which didn’t preserve coach Mike Vrabel on the job.

With the 17-game schedule, they simply might high the 13 losses of 2015, which helped value Ken Whisenhunt his job in November that season. The 14 video games misplaced in Whisenhunt’s debut season of 2014 are probably the most in a single season since this franchise moved to Tennessee in 1997.

With assist from the Bengals, they had been a part of the primary sport because the NFL-AFL merger in 1970 to mix for 10 or extra turnovers and 25 or extra penalties. Callahan stated no one is extra pissed off than he’s figuring out what he anticipated from this staff solely to see the Titans preserve hurting themselves.

“I’ve loads of confidence that that’s the best means of doing issues and that we’re going to be headed in the best route,” Callahan stated.

What’s working

The protection. Sure, the NFL’s top-ranked passing protection dropped to 3rd after dealing with the league’s greatest passing offense.

The Titans nonetheless compelled three turnovers by Joe Burrow, together with an interception to finish Cincinnati’s opening drive and establishing Tennessee to take a 14-7 lead. Additionally they bought the ball again within the fourth quarter and gave Rudolph an opportunity to attempt to rally them from a 17-point deficit.

What wants assist

The offense. Sure, the Titans opened a sport scoring touchdowns on back-to-back drives for the primary time since Week 4 of the 2022 season. However they turned it over a season-high six instances. Fortunately, Tony Pollard’s fumble changed into a touchback when Cincinnati security Jordan Battle dropped the ball simply outdoors the purpose line.

That left the Titans giving up simply 24 factors and never a potential 31.

Top off

DT T’Vondre Sweat. One of many highlights wasn’t the 6-foot-4, 366-pound rookie recovering Burrow’s fumble compelled by linebacker Harold Landry III on a sack out of the air. It’s what Sweat did as soon as he caught the ball, turning upfield and stiff-arming an offensive lineman as he rumbled for 30 yards.

That was the longest fumble return by any NFL participant weighing not less than 350 kilos since not less than 1991.

Inventory down

Levis. Not solely does he lead the NFL with 4 pick-6s, which is probably the most by a quarterback for this franchise in a season because the then-Oilers relocated to Tennessee in 1997, solely three quarterbacks within the league have greater than his 12 interceptions.

He missed three video games and far of a fourth with a sprained AC joint in his proper, throwing shoulder. He’s additionally misplaced 5 of eight fumbles, a giant motive why the Titans rank final within the NFL with 29 turnovers.


LB Luke Gifford is within the concussion protocol. He bought the primary interception that arrange the Titans’ first landing. Callahan stated he’s hopeful of getting a few gamers again.

Key quantity

7 — The variety of losses by 10 or extra factors by means of 14 video games this season. The Titans misplaced eight by 10 or extra over the 34 video games mixed in 2022 and 2023 beneath then-coach Mike Vrabel.

Subsequent steps

Followers are busy rooting for different groups to lose to enhance Tennessee’s possibilities at shifting into the highest 5 of subsequent April’s draft. The Titans final drafted increased than seventh in 2017 after they used the fifth general decide on a large receiver who didn’t get a second contract with the staff.

On the sector, the Titans nonetheless have an opportunity to maneuver up from the underside of the AFC South for 2025 scheduling beginning Sunday with a go to to Indianapolis (6-8) beginning a two-game street swing.


AP NFL: https://apnews.com/hub/nfl

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Colorado’s Travis Hunter Wins 2024 Heisman Trophy

Full 2024 Heisman Outcomes

Junior cornerback/large receiver Travis Hunter from the College of Colorado was introduced because the ninetieth winner of the Heisman Memorial Trophy throughout ESPN’s 2024 Heisman Trophy Ceremony Offered by Nissan on Saturday (Dec. 14), originating from Jazz at Lincoln Middle in New York, N.Y.

Boise State operating again Ashton Jeanty was the runner-up, adopted by third-place Oregon quarterback Dillon Gabriel and fourth-place Miami quarterback Cam Ward

Hunter is Colorado’s second Heisman winner and the Buffaloes’ first for the reason that late operating again Rashaan Salaam (1994). He’s the primary full-time, two-way participant to win the Heisman for the reason that early Sixties and the primary to win the award whereas taking part in vital minutes on either side of the ball since Charles Woodson (1997).

Hunter, additionally the fifth participant to win the Heisman as a full-time receiver, acquired 2,231 factors. Jeanty completed with 2,017 factors whereas Gabriel had 516 and Ward 229.

The 6-foot-1, 185-pounder from Suwanee, Ga., is the 2024 Huge 12 Defensive Participant of the 12 months and earned All-Huge 12 first-team honors as each a defensive again and a large receiver. Defensively, he had 31 tackles, 11 cross breakups, 4 interceptions, a conference-best 15 passes defended (tied for fifth nationally), and compelled a game-winning fumble. 

Hunter additionally led the convention with 92 receptions and 14 receiving touchdowns whereas ending with 1,152 receiving yards, second within the Huge 12. Nationally, he’s second in receiving touchdowns, fifth in receptions per recreation (7.7) and sixth in receiving yards per recreation (96.0). Hunter leads the nation with 21 receiving performs for 20 yards or  extra. He twice had three landing receptions in a recreation, had 10 or extra catches in a recreation 3 times and had 100 or extra receiving yards in a recreation seven occasions.

Earlier this week, Hunter gained the Walter Camp, Bednarik and Biletnikoff Awards, changing into the primary participant to win nationwide awards on each offense and protection.

Hunter’s 92 receptions and 1,152 receiving yards are each the second-most by a Heisman recipient behind Alabama’s 2020 winner DeVonta Smith’s 98 receptions for 1,511 yards. Hunter’s 14 TD catches path solely Smith and 1991 winner Desmond Howard (17) in Heisman-winning seasons.

Hunter is the sixth participant within the final eight years to win the award after transferring. He’s the primary Heisman winner to start his profession within the Soccer Championship Sequence (FCS). Born in West Palm Seashore, Fla., he’s the fifth Heisman winner to hail from the Sunshine State and the primary since Lamar Jackson.

He’s the primary junior to win the award since Oklahoma’s Kyler Murray (2018), the Huge 12’s first Heisman winner since Murray and the primary winner from a present Huge 12 faculty since Baylor’s Robert Griffin III (2011).

Hunter can also be the primary defensive again to complete within the prime 5 since LSU CB Tyrann Mathieu (2011, fifth). Hunter’s Colorado head coach, Deion Sanders, completed eighth within the 1988 Heisman balloting as a Florida State cornerback.

Jeanty is Boise State’s highest finisher in Heisman balloting and its second finalist. Fellow Bronco Kellen Moore was a three-time Heisman prime 10 finisher and was fourth as a finalist in 2010.

Gabriel is Oregon’s second straight third-place finisher following Bo Nix (2023). Gabriel and Nix are the very best finishers from Oregon since winner Marcus Mariota (2014). Ward is Miami’s highest finisher since fourth-place finisher Willis McGahee (2002) .

The 2024 Heisman Trophy ballots went out to 928 electors, which incorporates 870 members of the media, our 57 residing Heisman winners and one general fan vote introduced by Nissan, premier companion of the Heisman Trophy. All ballots have been submitted electronically to the unbiased accountants at Deloitte.

Rounding out the highest 10 finishers within the 2024 Heisman voting have been fifth-place senior Arizona State operating again Cam Skattebo, sixth-place senior Military quarterback Bryson Each day, seventh-place senior Penn State tight finish Tyler Warren, eighth-place senior Colorado quarterback Shedeur Sanders, ninth-place senior Indiana quarterback Kurtis Rourke and Tenth-place Syracuse senior quarterback Kyle McCord.

What Brian Callahan said Monday about Will Levis’ future with Titans

Tennessee Titans coach Brian Callahan stays noncommittal about Will Levis’ future with the workforce, each for the following three weeks and past.

Callahan and the Titans coaches benched Levis within the third quarter of Sunday’s 37-27 loss in opposition to the Cincinnati Bengals. After the sport, Callahan stated he did not wish to decide within the second about whether or not Levis can be reinstalled because the Titans’ beginning quarterback for the ultimate three weeks of the season.

Talking to media Monday, Callahan stated he’ll use the following two days to undergo the method and ensure the choice he makes is what’s greatest for the group. He’ll revisit the choice later within the week.

“I am going to take the time right here that I’ve to undergo all of it and ensure we’re doing the suitable factor,” Callahan stated. “To me, while you begin speaking long-term stuff, these are all postseason questions. We’re in a week-to-week battle proper now. We’re looking for the easiest way we are able to to win a soccer recreation, looking for the very best efficiency we are able to put collectively. We have got three extra weeks to play, in order that’s actually what our focus is on is how can we greatest assault these three video games and end the season on hopefully a excessive be aware.”

Levis threw three interceptions and misplaced a fumble in his last 5 drives Sunday. He was benched after throwing an interception that the Bengals returned for a landing and changed by veteran Mason Rudolph. Rudolph led the Titans on two landing drives to finish the sport, however he additionally threw an interception and was on the sphere for a collection the place working again Tony Pollard misplaced a fumble.

ESTES | Titans funding in Levis is an enormous loss

The Titans (3-11) have three video games remaining, all in opposition to AFC South foes. Callahan has stated all year long that the principle goal of this season is figuring out what sort of participant Levis is and his viability because the workforce’s franchise quarterback of the longer term.

“The fellows on the soccer workforce wish to really feel like we’re all held to the identical normal. That is the most important challenge you face is there is a locker room part to all these items and a workforce part to it. You attempt to do greatest by all of the gamers concerned and the fellows on the brink of go play video games on Sundays wish to really feel like we’re placing them in place to win. That is in the end my job as a coach to try this. So far as one singular participant’s growth versus all that different stuff, these issues aren’t what we’re centered on.”

Callahan says he does not really feel as if Levis’ teammates have misplaced confidence in his means to information the workforce to wins. Relatively, he says he needs to indicate the workforce that everybody is accountable to the identical normal. He factors out positions like proper deal with, linebacker and punt returner the place gamers have been benched for efficiency points, and his choice to bench Levis Sunday was rooted in the identical motivation.

That stated, Callahan says he hasn’t misplaced confidence in Levis. He says dangerous video games occur and he does not imagine that getting pulled from one recreation means a season is essentially over for a participant.

“There’s numerous issues that Will’s performed nicely,” Callahan stated. “I believe he is improved. There’s numerous enjoying of the quarterback place that I believe he is performed lots higher job of. He had a extremely poor outing yesterday and that does not essentially imply it is the top for him. That is simply a part of enjoying within the league. There’s loads of guys which have gotten pulled from video games after poor performances they usually get higher for it and are available again higher from it. These are the issues I am taking a look at.”

Levis is underneath contract for 2 extra years with the Titans. Rudolph is signed to a one-year contract and can be a free agent once more within the spring.

Nick Suss is the Titans beat author for The Tennessean. Contact Nick atnsuss@gannett.com. Comply with Nick on X, the platform previously referred to as Twitter, @nicksuss.

Colorado two-way star Travis Hunter wins Heisman Trophy

NEW YORK — Travis Hunter turned each play into prime time — on each side of the ball — and in the end took residence the Heisman Trophy.

Now he’s acquired a leg up on his movie star coach at Colorado.

The 2-way star gained faculty soccer’s most prestigious award Saturday night time, punctuating a tireless efficiency all season by a dynamic participant with a singular mixture of expertise.

“By no means thought I’d be on this place,” a tearful Hunter mentioned as he thanked everybody from his fiancée to members of the family and former and present coaches. “It is loopy. Perception takes you a great distance.”

Whereas posing for numerous photographs with the enduring statue over the previous two days, Hunter made a degree to not put his arms on the Heisman. He mentioned he did not wish to contact it except it was his.

As soon as it lastly was, he grabbed the trophy onerous with two arms and let free a cheerful scream: “Let’s go!”

Subsequent cease, an area spot he reserved to rejoice with teammates.

“I do not wish to be out late, however I will be out late tonight,” Hunter mentioned, smiling.

An enormous-play extensive receiver and lockdown cornerback, Hunter dominated on offence and defence for coach Deion Sanders and the Buffaloes, becoming a member of late working again Rashaan Salaam in 1994 as the one Heisman winners at school historical past.

Hunter obtained 552 first-place votes and a pair of,231 factors in a snug victory. Boise State working again Ashton Jeanty was the runner-up with 309 first-place votes and a pair of,017 factors, the closest margin since 2009.

Hunter garnered 80.14% of doable factors, the Eleventh-highest in Heisman Trophy historical past, and joined Michigan cornerback Charles Woodson (1997) as the one full-time defensive gamers to assert the prize. Woodson additionally made massive performs at wideout, however did not play practically as a lot on offense as Hunter.

Oregon quarterback Dillon Gabriel got here in third and Miami quarterback Cam Ward completed fourth in balloting for the ninetieth Heisman Trophy, introduced yearly since 1935 to the nation’s most excellent participant. This yr’s ceremony was held at Jazz at Lincoln Middle in Manhattan, the place Sanders was in attendance.

It marked solely the fifth time this century a quarterback didn’t win. The final time no signal-caller positioned within the high two was 2015, when working backs Derrick Henry of Alabama and Christian McCaffrey ran 1-2 in voting.

Hunter additionally gained The Related Press Player of the 12 months, amongst a string of different particular person awards this week. He helped spark a formidable turnaround at Colorado, from 4-8 in 2023 when he missed 3 1/2 video games due to accidents to 9-3 this yr in Sanders’ second season. The Twentieth-ranked Buffaloes acquired their first bowl bid in 4 years and can face No. 17 BYU (10-2) within the Alamo Bowl on Dec. 28.

Hunter has pledged to play, moderately than skip the sport to arrange for the NFL draft and stop any doable damage as many high prospects do. The 6-foot-1, 185-pound junior from Suwanee, Georgia, plans to cross up his senior season in Boulder and is anticipated to be a top-five decide by the professionals — maybe even No. 1 total.

“He needs to be nice at all the things,” Sanders mentioned. “He needs to have a dedication to excellence in all the things he does — together with fishing.”

Showcasing his blazing pace and explosive playmaking, Hunter not often got here off the sector this yr — making him an every-down throwback to generations passed by and the primary full-time, true two-way star in a long time.

On offense, he had 92 catches for 1,152 yards and 14 touchdowns, plus a speeding rating. On protection, he made 4 interceptions, 32 tackles, broke up 11 passes and compelled a essential fumble that secured an time beyond regulation victory towards Baylor.

With the Buffaloes profitable video games and difficult for a Large 12 title, he soared from a long-shot underdog in Heisman futures final summer time to a heavy betting favorite this week.

All of the whereas, putting the Heisman pose with teammates to rejoice massive performs because it grew to become increasingly more clear Hunter was the person to beat.

“I positively can kick, (too). I’ve simply acquired to practise,” he mentioned. “I can’t cease shifting after I’m not on the sector.”

Hunter performed practically 700 snaps every on offence and defence — the one Energy 4 convention participant with 30-plus snaps on each side of the ball, in keeping with Colorado analysis.

It will appear a very exhausting workload for any participant lately, each mentally and bodily, however not Hunter.

“I believe I laid the bottom for extra individuals to come back in and go two methods,” he mentioned Friday. “It begins together with your mindset. Should you consider you are able to do it, then you definitely’ll be capable of do it. And likewise, I do a whole lot of remedy. I sustain with my physique. I get a whole lot of restoration.”

Rated the nation’s high recruit within the 2022 class, Hunter surprised many observers when he dedicated to play for Sanders at Jackson State, an HBCU that competes within the lower-level FCS, with the promise of taking part in each offence and defence.

“Lots of people informed me I could not do it,” mentioned Hunter, sporting white footwear and a lightweight blue swimsuit — his favorite color. “I all the time say I will show them incorrect and I will show myself proper.”

After one season, Hunter adopted Sanders to Colorado and was a consensus All-America choice as an all-purpose participant final yr regardless of sitting out three video games with a lacerated liver attributable to a late hit.

Following his restoration, a wholesome Hunter completed sturdy in 2023 after which actually took off this season, catching passes from Shedeur Sanders, the coach’s son, and changing into Colorado’s first Heisman Trophy finalist in 30 years.

The 21-year-old Hunter, who plans to get married in Could, is the sixth switch to take the award over the previous eight years and the primary winner to start his profession within the FCS.

“Look the place I am at. It paid off,” Hunter mentioned.

“I needed to be completely different,” he added later. “Me being completely different makes me really feel extra snug than doing the norm.”

Deion Sanders, nicknamed Prime Time throughout his taking part in days — seemingly by himself — was a two-time All-America defensive again at Florida State and completed eighth in 1988 Heisman voting.

An electrifying kick returner, who additionally performed main league baseball by the way in which, Neon Deion went on to a Corridor of Fame profession as an NFL cornerback however principally simply dabbled on offense in addition to a 36-catch season with the 1996 Dallas Cowboys.

Nothing fairly like Hunter, who now has Heisman bragging rights on Coach Prime ceaselessly.

Here’s what to know before filing

With January simply weeks away and inflation nonetheless impacting the wallets of Individuals, taxpayers throughout the nation are getting ready to file in 2025.

To ease the transition, the Inner Income Service declares inflation changes annually, noting changes for greater than 60 tax provisions. 

The IRS launched numbers for tax 12 months 2024 final 12 months, nudging most taxpayers to pay shut consideration to the usual deduction for single and married filers.

For single taxpayers and married people submitting individually, the usual deduction rose to $14,600, up $750 from tax 12 months 2023, the IRS reported. For married {couples} submitting collectively for tax 12 months 2024, the deduction elevated to $29,200, up $1,500 from tax 12 months 2023, the IRS stated. The IRS famous that for the pinnacle of family, the usual deduction went up $1,100, totaling to $21,900.

Listed below are different adjustments to remember throughout tax season.

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IRS tax charges for tax 12 months 2024

The IRS introduced tax charges for its seven tax brackets for tax 12 months 2024:

  • 37% – Single revenue over $609,350 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $731,200
  • 35% – Single revenue over $243,725 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $487,450
  • 32% – Single revenue over $191,950 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $383,900
  • 24% – Single revenue over $100,525 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $201,050
  • 22% – Single revenue over $47,150 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $94,300
  • 12% – Single revenue over $11,600 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $23,200
  • 10% – Single revenue of $11,600 or much less and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue lower than $23,200

Tax exemptions and credit

One change famous by the IRS pertains to the choice minimal tax exemption (AMT). Some tax advantages can considerably shrink a taxpayer’s common tax quantity. The AMT is utilized to high-income taxpayers by limiting these advantages, guaranteeing that these high-income taxpayers pay not less than a minimal quantity of tax, the IRS stated on its web site.

The AMT exemption quantity for tax 12 months 2024 elevated to $85,700 and begins to part out at $609,350, up $4,400 and $31,200 in comparison with tax 12 months 2023, respectively. The exemption quantity for married {couples} submitting collectively elevated to $133,300 and begins to part out at $1,218,700, up $6,800 and $62,400 in comparison with tax 12 months 2023, the IRS stated.

The tax 12 months 2024 most Earned Revenue Tax Credit score quantity for taxpayers with three or extra qualifying kids is $7,830, a rise of $400 from tax 12 months 2023.

A spokesperson from the IRS stated that primarily based on public statistics, out of 153.8 million tax returns, fewer than 180,000 taxpayers paid the choice minimal tax in 2023. Numbers could also be larger, although because the numbers have been solely crunched by means of November.

What about my well being financial savings account contributions?

For tax 12 months 2024, the restrict for worker well being financial savings account contributions is ready to extend to $3,200, the IRS introduced in November final 12 months.

For tax 12 months 2024, these with self-only protection in a medical financial savings account have a most out-of-pocket expense quantity of $5,550, up $250 from 2023. 

Household protection for tax 12 months 2024 consists of an out-of-pocket expense restrict of $10,200 (a rise of $550 from tax 12 months 2023).

Are tax brackets altering for tax 12 months 2025?

In October, the IRS additionally launched data on adjustments impacting taxpayers for tax 12 months 2025, or after they file their taxes starting in January 2026. 

Adjustments taxpayers may be looking out for embody one other enhance for single taxpayers and married people submitting individually. The usual deduction will rise to $15,000, up $400 from this 12 months, the IRS stated.

For married {couples} submitting collectively, the usual deduction will probably be $30,000, up $800, and for heads of households, the usual deduction will rise to $22,500, a rise of $600.

Brackets for singles and married {couples} submitting collectively, in accordance with the IRS, embody:

  • 37% − Single revenue over $626,350 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $751,600
  • 35% – Single revenue over $250,525 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $501,050
  • 32% – Single revenue over $197,300 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $394,600
  • 24% – Single revenue over $103,350 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $206,700
  • 22% – Single revenue over $48,475 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $96,950
  • 12% – Single revenue over $11,925 and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue over $23,850
  • 10% – Single revenue of $11,925 or much less and married {couples} submitting collectively with revenue lower than $23,850

Based on the IRS, for qualifying taxpayers with three or extra qualifying kids, the brand new most Earned Revenue Tax Credit score quantity will probably be $8,046, up $216 from tax 12 months 2024.

Saleen Martin is a reporter on USA TODAY’s NOW group. She is from Norfolk, Virginia the 757. Comply with her on Twitter at@SaleenMartin or e mail her atsdmartin@usatoday.com.

Canada Post employees could resume work early next week

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