Procès de Trump : le témoignage de Stormy Daniels au centre d’une audience mouvementée | Donald Trump face à la justice

Essentiellement centrée autour de la comparution fort attendue de l’ex-actrice de cinéma pornographique Stormy Daniels, l’viewers au procès criminel de l’ex-président américain, mardi, a pour le moins été mouvementée.

Une description explicite d’une relation sexuelle alléguée dont le témoin, selon ses dires, ne voulait pas vraiment, une requête pour faire annuler le procès, un contre-interrogatoire très tendu : le déroulement de l’viewers a offert un contraste avec celle de la veille, où il était query de factures et de chèques qui auraient été falsifiés.

À quelques mètres de l’homme avec qui elle dit avoir couché il y a presque 18 ans, Stormy Daniels, qui s’est présentée à la barre en portant des lunettes, a décrit, avec moult détails, mais aussi souvent avec un débit rapide, leur relation alléguée et leurs contacts subséquents.

Selon les procureurs, Mme Daniels, de son vrai nom Stephanie Clifford, a été payée sur instruction de Donald Trump, deux semaines avant le scrutin du 8 novembre 2016, pour garder le silence sur leur relation, que nie le principal intéressé.

Leur distinctive rapport sexuel serait survenu en juillet 2006, le soir après leur rencontre lors d’un tournoi de golf, au lac Tahoe, dans le Nevada.

Celle qui avait 27 ans à l’époque a souligné que Donald Trump était aussi vieux ou plus vieux que [son] père, qui avait 60 ans.

Un garde du corps de Donald Trump lui aurait demandé si elle voulait souper avec son patron, ce qu’elle aurait initialement refusé, prenant cependant son numéro de téléphone.

Les procureurs ont montré une photographie avec les coordonnées du garde du corps dans son cellulaire ainsi qu’une autre, prise lors du tournoi de golf, de Donald Trump et de Stormy Daniels.

Elle aurait ultimement changé d’idée et serait allée dans la suite d’hôtel de Donald Trump, qui l’aurait accueillie en pyjama de soie ou de satin avant de se changer à sa demande.

Stephanie Clifford, plus connue sous le nom de Stormy Daniels, en mai 2022. (Photograph d’archives)

Photograph : Getty Photographs / Phillip Faraone

Celle qui était alors actrice, scénariste et réalisatrice de movies pornographiques a décrit longuement leur dialogue, au cours de laquelle Donald Trump aurait posé plusieurs questions sur son industrie, notamment sur les exams de dépistage des infections transmises sexuellement.

Il aurait brièvement mentionné sa femme, Melania, qu’il avait épousée l’année précédente. Nous ne partageons pas la même chambre, aurait-il déclaré, disant à son interlocutrice de ne pas s’en faire avec le fait qu’il était marié.

La rencontre serait plus spécifiquement survenue peu après la naissance du fils cadet de Donald Trump, ce qui n’a pas été spécifié, automobile le juge a déjà statué que les procureurs ne pouvaient pas mentionner ce détail devant les jurés.

Donald Trump lui aurait ensuite fait miroiter une éventuelle participation à l’émission Movie star Apprentice.

Il aurait aussi comparé Stormy Daniels à sa fille.

Tu me rappelles ma fille parce qu’elle est intelligente, blonde et belle et que les gens la sous-estiment.

Une quotation de Stormy Daniels, disant citer Donald Trump

Récit détaillé de la relation

Même si les procureurs s’étaient engagés à ne pas demander de précisions trop salaces, Stormy Daniels a livré une description assez longue et assez détaillée de la relation sexuelle. Selon les comptes rendus des médias américains et internationaux, son récit donne l’impression que le rapport sexuel n’était pas pleinement consensuel.

La défense, qui a plus tard demandé l’annulation du procès pour cette raison, a d’ailleurs émis plusieurs objections, dont plusieurs ont été retenues par le juge.

À son retour de la salle de bain, Donald Trump, alors en boxer et en t-shirt, l’attendait dans la chambre, sur son lit, a témoigné Mme Daniels.

J’ai senti le sang quitter mes mains et mes pieds, comme quand on se lève trop vite , a-t-elle raconté.

Elle s’est demandée comme elle en était arrivée là et a dit qu’elle devait partir.

Si elle a affirmé ne pas avoir été menacée verbalement ou physiquement, elle a assuré que l’intention de l’homme d’affaires était assez claire et le rapport de drive déséquilibré. Il était plus grand et bloquait le passage.

Elle a soutenu avoir oublié ce qui s’est passé ensuite. Je pense simplement que je n’avais plus conscience [de ce qui se passait]. Je n’étais pas droguée. Je n’étais pas ivre. Je ne me souviens tout simplement pas, a-t-elle affirmé.

J’ai fini par avoir une relation sexuelle avec lui, a-t-elle confié, tout en précisant, à la demande de la procureure, que Donald Trump ne portait pas de préservatif.

La première selected dont je me souvienne, c’est d’être dans le lit, de l’autre côté d’où nous étions, sans mes vêtements ni mes chaussures, mais je portais toujours mon soutien-gorge. Nous étions en place du missionnaire, a-t-elle ajouté.

Elle ne se rappelle toutefois pas s’être dévêtue.

Je fixais le plafond, je ne savais pas remark j’étais arrivée là. J’essayais de penser à autre selected qu’à ce qui se passait.

Une quotation de Stormy Daniels

J’ai eu honte de ne pas avoir arrêté ça, de ne pas dire non, a relaté Mme Daniels.

Ses mains tremblaient tellement par la suite qu’elle a eu du mal à s’habiller, a-t-elle soutenu.

À l’époque, Donald Trump ne lui a pas demandé de garder leur rencontre confidentielle.

Stormy Daniels a indiqué avoir parlé au téléphone avec lui à plusieurs reprises par la suite, reconnaissant qu’elle aurait aimé participer à l’émission de téléréalité qu’il animait.

Elle l’a aussi revu deux fois, en public, notamment à la Trump Tower, en 2007. Donald Trump lui aurait dit qu’il tentait toujours de la faire participer à son émission de téléréalité, mais qu’il faisait face à de la résistance.

Lors d’un témoignage précédent, une collaboratrice de longue date de l’homme d’affaires a confirmé l’avoir vue dans la salle d’attente du 26e étage de l’édifice, où est situé le bureau de Donald Trump.

Retour sur l’entente de confidentialité

Entrevue avec Sonia Dridi, journaliste à France 24, et avec notre correspondante à Washington, Azeb Wolde Giorghis.

Après environ deux heures de témoignage, les procureurs l’ont finalement interrogée sur l’entente en vertu de laquelle elle a reçu 130 000 $ US de Michael Cohen, qui était à l’époque l’avocat personnel de Donald Trump.

Il s’agissait d’un accord de non-divulgation, dont Donald Trump était le bénéficiaire, a dit l’ancienne actrice de movies pour adultes.

Elle a dit avoir appris l’intérêt de Donald Trump et de Me Cohen pour son histoire après la diffusion d’un enregistrement préjudiciable à celui qui était alors candidat à la présidence.

Quelques semaines avant l’élection de novembre 2016, le Washington Publish avait rendu public un enregistrement sur lequel on entendait Donald Trump se vanter de pouvoir « attraper » les femmes par leur sexe en toute impunité.

Ce sont Donald Trump et Michael Cohen qui lui ont offert 130 000 $ US, a-t-elle soutenu. Le montant m’importait peu, a-t-elle affirmé. Je n’étais pas motivée par l’argent.

Son avocat de l’époque a témoigné la semaine dernière des négociations menées en coulisses pour la vente de son récit.

Les accusations de falsification de paperwork ne sont pas liées à ce paiement, qui est toutefois au centre de la trame narrative des procureurs, qui accusent Donald Trump d’avoir fomenté « un plan criminel pour corrompre l’élection de 2016 ».

Stormy Daniels a par ailleurs fait état du chaos qui a suivi dans sa vie quand le paiement a été révélé par le Wall Road Journal en janvier 2018, en pleine présidence Trump.

Soudain, j’étais au premier plan partout, s’est souvenue Mme Daniels, qui a été accusée par Donald Trump et par ses partisans d’être une menteuse.

Fait notable, si les interrogatoires et les contre-interrogatoires des témoins antérieurs ont essentiellement été menés par des hommes, autant l’accusation que la défense ont choisi une femme pour interroger Stormy Daniels, dont le témoignage a jusqu’ici duré un peu moins de quatre heures.

Le juge refuse d’annuler le procès

Après la pause de mi-journée après l’interrogatoire des procureurs, l’avocat de Donald Trump Todd Blanche a réclamé l’annulation du procès. Le juge Juan Merchan n’a pas accédé à sa demande.

Je ne pense pas que nous en soyons au level où l’annulation du procès soit justifiée, a-t-il conclu, après avoir souligné qu’il avait retenu la majorité des objections qu’avait soulevées la défense.

Je observe également que j’ai été surpris qu’il n’y ait pas eu plus d’objections, a-t-il ajouté.

Je pense que je vous ai signalé, ainsi qu’à l’accusation, qu’on allait beaucoup trop loin dans les détails, a soutenu le juge Merchan.

La défense a fait valoir que Stormy Daniels avait livré un témoignage préjudiciable à leur consumer sur des questions allant au-delà des cooks d’accusation portés contre lui.

Selon CBS Information, Me Blanche a invoqué ses assertions sur sa perte de conscience, l’absence de rapports protégés et la dynamique de pouvoir qui était en jeu pendant la relation sexuelle alléguée.

Tout cela n’a rien à voir avec cette trigger et est extrêmement préjudiciable.

Une quotation de Todd Blanche, avocat de Donald Trump

Les avocats de Donald Trump ont reproché au juge d’avoir laissé le témoignage aller trop loin, un motif qu’ils pourraient invoquer pour porter la trigger en appel si leur consumer est reconnu coupable.

Pendant l’interrogatoire mené par les procureurs, le juge les a rappelés à l’ordre en leur disant que le témoignage de Mme Daniels allait trop loin. Il a même réprimandé Stormy Daniels parce qu’elle s’est éloignée du sujet et l’a intimé de répondre seulement aux questions.

Dès le début de la journée, avant l’entrée des jurés dans la salle d’viewers, la défense a réitéré son opposition à ce témoignage, en particulier à propos de détails sur des actes sexuels.

Le juge Juan Merchan avait alors indiqué que la témoin pourrait dire qu’elle avait eu une relation sexuelle avec l’accusé, avertissant toutefois les procureurs qu’il était inutile de connaître les détails.

Selon la transcription de l’viewers, citée par CNN, le juge aurait par ailleurs ordonné en matinée, aux avocats de Donald Trump, de dissuader leur consumer d’avoir un comportement inapproprié. Il sacre de façon audible, et il secoue la tête. Cela peut potentiellement intimider la témoin, et le jury peut voir cela, a-t-il dit.

Un contre-interrogatoire corsé

L’ex-président américain Donald Turmp en cour à New York, le 7 mai 2024

Photograph : Getty Photographs / AFP/Mary Altaffer

Lors du contre-interrogatoire de Stormy Daniels, la défense a attaqué sa crédibilité et l’a dépeint comme une menteuse en quête d’argent et de vengeance.

Ai-je raison de dire que vous détestez le président Trump? a demandé l’avocate Susan Necheles. Oui, a admis Stormy Daniels.

Vous voulez qu’il aille en jail, a poursuivi l’avocate, se référant à un ancien message de Mme Daniels sur un réseau social.

Je veux qu’il rende des comptes, a-t-elle répondu. S’il est reconnu coupable, a-t-elle répliqué quand l’avocate est income à la cost.

Cela fait une décennie que vous faites de l’argent en prétendant avoir eu des relations sexuelles avec le président Trump, a lancé Susan Necheles. J’ai fait de l’argent en racontant ce qui m’est arrivé, a répondu Mme Daniels, ajoutant que cela lui en avait aussi coûté beaucoup.

Me Necheles a même insinué qu’elle voulait extorquer de l’argent à Donald Trump.

L’avocate a en outre insisté sur le fait que Stormy Daniels avait perdu une affaire en diffamation contre l’ex-président et lui devait toujours des centaines de milliers de {dollars}.

Mme Daniels, qui a déjà démenti avoir eu une relation sexuelle avec Donald Trump, notamment en 2011, a dû justifier le fait qu’elle avait déjà livré des variations différentes au cours des ans.

La défense a aussi mis en doute son compte rendu d’un incident impliquant un homme qui l’aurait menacée dans un stationnement de Las Vegas, en 2011, pour qu’elle garde le silence au sujet de Donald Trump.

Mme Daniels venait alors de s’entendre avec une revue pour témoigner de sa relation alléguée avec Donald Trump, a-t-elle raconté au cours d’une entrevue accordée à CBS en 2018.

À l’challenge de l’viewers, Donald Trump a parlé d’une journée très importante, très révélatrice.

Vous voyez que le file [des procureurs] s’effondre complètement. Ils n’ont rien à propos des livres et des entrées [comptables]. C’est tout simplement un désastre pour le procureur du district, a-t-il soutenu.

Fait notable, Donald Trump, qui a récemment été reconnu coupable d’outrage au tribunal à deux reprises par le juge, n’a cependant pas commenté le témoignage de Stormy Daniels, se conformant à l’ordonnance qui lui interdit de critiquer les témoins.

Le contre-interrogatoire reprendra jeudi.

L’ex-président est accusé d’avoir falsifié des paperwork pour dissimuler le remboursement fait à Michael Cohen dans le however de favoriser sa victoire électorale.

Avant le témoignage de Stormy Daniels, les procureurs ont appelé à la barre une éditrice ayant publié des livres autobiographiques de Donald Trump afin de présenter des citations de l’accusé aux jurés. Elle a lu des extraits dans lesquels il était query de vengeance, de son aversion pour le gaspillage d’argent et de la dynamique sexuelle qui existe toujours entre les gens.

Ce premier des quatre procès intentés contre Donald Trump est prone d’être le seul qui connaîtra un dénouement avec le scrutin de novembre 2024.

L’ancien président a par ailleurs gagné une manche importante dans la poursuite criminelle fédérale intentée contre lui en Floride : la juge responsable du procès a reporté la procédure indéfiniment.

Dans cette affaire, Donald Trump est accusé de gestion négligente de secrets and techniques d’État pour avoir conservé des paperwork confidentiels dans sa résidence de Mar-a-Lago après la fin de son mandat.

Avec les informations de CNN, New York Instances, The Guardian, Agence France-Presse, CBS Information et Reuters

Hades 2 Early Access Review

It’s surprising to see that Hades 2 is just in early entry, and that Supergiant Video games plans to let it spend not less than the remainder of 2024 there earlier than it’s able to name it model 1.0. Stunning, as a result of it already has nearly the whole lot I need from a sequel to the most effective roguelite motion video games of all time. Hades 2 manages to maintain the whole lot that made the unique such a masterclass of design, but it surely does so in a manner that modifications up how every of the items suits collectively and provides it its personal distinctive identification slightly than feeling like a glorified growth. The result’s a well-known, however contemporary observe up that challenged, stunned, and delighted me with each triumph and failure in equal measure. There are some things lacking, with an precise ending to its story being probably the most substantial amongst them, however as soon as it’s full it’s laborious to think about Hades 2 not dwelling as much as the mythological legacy of the primary.

I’m not going to spend too lengthy explaining why what’s carried over from the unique Hades works so nicely. IGN gave it our Recreation of the 12 months Award in 2020 for a purpose, and for those who haven’t performed the Greek gods’ present to players but and assume you may take pleasure in a few of the smoothest, most trendy isometric motion ever made, tied up with a narrative that simply retains getting deeper with every run, you completely ought to earlier than leaping into spherical two. I’ll wait.

Hades 2 Early Entry Evaluate Screenshots

Alright, now that you just’re on top of things you’ll be able to respect that what Hades 2 does exceptionally nicely is swap out all the outdated weapons, boons, boosts, and different items from the earlier sport with model new ones that do a whole lot of the identical issues, however in contemporary and thrilling methods. To start with, this time round you play as Melinoe, Zagreus’s sister and the daughter of Hades, who very a lot shares her brother’s easy vocal tones and funky demeanor. She’s a bit extra correct and fewer playful than Zag, with a character befitting of the Princess of the Underworld, however she’s no much less likable and equally nicely written.

Mel’s no much less likable than Zag, and equally nicely written.

She controls largely the identical as Zag, however with a few key modifications that result in some dramatically completely different playstyles. For example, there’s a dash that can be utilized endlessly to flee hazard, or – if in case you have the correct boons enhancing it – to cost head-first into it. The elevated sustained pace comes at a worth, although: She’s far much less dash-happy than Zag. She nonetheless has a touch that enables her to slide by way of enemy assaults or cross gaps, however in my 40 or so hours of play to date, I’ve but to see an improve that enables her to extend the variety of dashes she has. This can be a large change as a result of Hades is a sport the place I sprint lots. Heck, I sprint greater than I run for probably the most half. However Supergiant has performed an awesome job of designing its enemies and executives round that gameplay change, and in consequence I by no means discovered myself lacking multi-dashes an excessive amount of. Ultimately I fell in love with the dash and the boons that enhanced it, which could improve its pace to make it higher at evasion, or flip it into an aquatic bulldozing assault, or flip you right into a shifting crosshair for Zeus’s lightning, electrocuting any enemy you run near.

Hades 2 Gods and Characters

Since Melinoe is a witch, she’s additionally acquired a totally revamped magic system that provides a number of wrinkles to fight that require you to assume a bit extra about useful resource administration. By holding down the button for her three offensive methods – assault, particular, and forged – she will be able to use an Omega variation of these talents that use mana. So for instance, the beginning magic employees has an everyday assault that simply does a regular three-hit combo, however for those who maintain down the assault button to cost up an Omega assault, while you launch it you’ll shoot out a strong magic blast that extends an awesome distance each in entrance of and behind you. Omega assaults are an unimaginable addition that not solely enhance the moment-to-moment motion and determination making of Hades’ fight, but additionally add some new choices on the subject of construct crafting.

I all the time felt like I had a shot of getting additional than I did earlier than, no matter my construct.

And that is the place Hades 2 actually shines even brighter than Hades did earlier than: There are simply so many choices you’ll be able to construct your character towards throughout any given run that dramatically change the way you strategy it. And the sweetness is that, whereas there are actually builds which can be stronger than others, I all the time felt like I had a shot of getting additional than I did earlier than, no matter what sort of construct I attempted. So many roguelites endure from this sense of getting “doomed runs” the place you simply don’t get the sort of scaling or key upgrades that you’ll want to survive in later ranges, however that was by no means my expertise with Hades 2. My deaths largely got here all the way down to encountering new enemies that I wasn’t but acquainted with, getting too grasping with my assaults, or simply merely making too many errors, versus feeling like I simply fell behind the facility curve. (Although I’ll say that the ultimate boss within the Underworld at the moment appears slightly overpowered in comparison with the whole lot main as much as him.)

One run had me getting a bunch of powerups for my forged, which is now a round sigil you’ll be able to place on the ground that may quickly snare enemies that run into it. One specific boon, although, made it in order that after remaining on the ground for a number of seconds, the sigil would do rapid-fire explosions and deal enormous injury to something snared inside. So I’d dart in, drop my Omega cCast down, then cost up my Omega particular – which, on this run brought on a number of projectiles to circle me – and simply watch with glee because the enemies melted in my circle of loss of life.

That was fully completely different from my run with the Big Axe weapon, which had me enhancing my dash pace so I might put a ton of distance between me and my enemies earlier than charging up a particularly highly effective Omega particular that may just about wipe out all enemies in a line in entrance of me – if I acquired an opportunity to let the transfer rock, which takes slightly time. Like every good roguelite, each run of Hades 2 has felt completely different, taught me a lesson I might use sooner or later, and was enjoyable in its personal distinctive manner.

Each run of Hades 2 has felt completely different, and was enjoyable in its personal distinctive manner. 

The whole lot that we’ve coated to date has largely been stuff that was already good within the first sport that’s tuned to be only a bit higher on this sequel, however the one space the place Hades 2 completely blows the unique out of the water is within the depth and number of its areas. No two are something alike, with the third Underworld space particularly being a collection of extra open fields that requires you to clear a number of encounters and procure a number of rewards earlier than with the ability to transfer on to the subsequent.

You could have observed that I hold specifying the Underworld areas, which is as a result of there’s a complete separate set of ranges, enemies, and executives ready for you above floor as nicely. I don’t wish to spoil an excessive amount of of what awaits you for those who take the steps going up, however suffice it to say that these ranges are the place Supergiant actually experiments with the extent design, to nice impact.

I Went All the way down to the Crossroads

In between runs you’ll end up again on the Crossroads, a hidden sanctuary in between the floor and the Underworld. Just about the whole lot that you may do within the Home of Hades within the first sport could be performed within the Crossroads as nicely: You’ll go round gifting nectars to NPCs with a view to improve your bonds with them and acquire their keepsakes, you’ll be able to cross off long-term milestone targets from the prophecy record for a wide range of rewards, and you may interact in seemingly infinite dialogues with the various legendary Greek figures who inhabit it, from the heroic Odysseus, to the rebellious Nemesis, to the adorably sassy shade, Dora.

Arcana Playing cards are an awesome system that steadiness highly effective bonuses with larger prices.

That mentioned, the best way during which you progress Mel’s energy could be very completely different from the way it labored with Zag. This time round there’s a grid of Arcana playing cards that every require a specific amount of sources to unlock; when you do you’ll be able to equip its bonuses (assuming you might have sufficient Grasp, which limits what number of playing cards could be geared up concurrently), and also will reveal the bonuses of the 2 adjoining playing cards on the grid. It’s an awesome system that balances highly effective bonuses with larger Grasp prices, and likewise makes the choice of what you wish to prioritize discovering when you’re in a run really feel much more essential. Do you go for extra of the sources wanted to truly unlock extra Arcana playing cards, or extra Psyche, which is used to extend your most Grasp and permits you to equip extra playing cards?

Along with these sources, there’s much more to seek out within the ranges of Hades 2. There are various kinds of flowers, metals, and monster components, with all of them getting used to concoct incantations that unlock some form of new gameplay component or mechanic. That is similar to the Home Contractor from the primary sport, but it surely works even higher in Hades 2 the place you can also make extra choices about what sort of resource-collecting device you wish to take with you right into a run and prioritize one concoction over one other.

You possibly can invite NPCs on a bit extra of an intimate sizzling springs date.

One among my favourite incantations truly provides a sizzling spring to the Crossroads, and that permits you to invite NPCs on a bit extra of an intimate sizzling springs date. As you may think, this results in some enjoyable conversations that dive slightly bit deeper into these characters than your normal chats once they’ve acquired an exclamation level over their heads.

Whereas I can’t say there’s been a dramatic enchancment in how Hades 2 seems relative to the primary sport, that’s a particularly excessive bar and I’m undecided I’d need it to alter that a lot anyway. The artwork model stays as stellar as ever, with a soundtrack to match. My favourite boss battle is at the moment Scylla and the Sirens, which has a banger theme music that dynamically adjusts everytime you take out one of many performers to take away their half from the music. That’s a extremely cool contact on an already superior boss battle, and it’s issues like that that make me particularly excited to see what Supergiant has held again to essentially wow us when Hades 2 launches out of early entry.

I am particularly excited to see what Supergiant has held again.

It’s additionally value mentioning that after beating the ultimate boss of the underworld, you unlock Hades 2’s equal of the Pact of Punishment, referred to as the Testomony of Night time. This lets you add particular problem modifiers to your subsequent run that may improve the injury of enemies, or make therapeutic gadgets much less efficient, or make all enemies quicker. It’s principally a customizable New Recreation+ mode with rewards and incentives that was good in Hades 1, and I’m stoked to see it already in Hades 2.

So, what’s unfinished about Hades 2 to make it launch in Early Entry? Nicely, there are nonetheless some placeholder portraits for characters like Charon, Narcissus, and some others I gained’t spoil; some boon icons are lacking distinctive artwork and simply have letters to distinguish them; there are a number of visible results that I think about might be cleaned up when the sport reaches model 1.0, and most significantly, regardless that you’ll be able to unlock it’s model of New Recreation+, the story doesn’t at the moment have an ending. The event highway map on the title display screen additionally makes it clear that they’re nonetheless engaged on a complete new area to discover, new beauty options for the Crossroads, and one other new weapon to be launched within the subsequent main replace.

5 Important Anthony Edwards Cards from His Rookie Season

Anthony Edwards — and his basketball playing cards — has arrived. His rookie-year playing cards arrived through the pandemic growth. So whereas they might have appeared powerful to seek out on the time, that was extra to do with the crush retailers obtained from individuals clearing out no matter inventory they might discover like they had been Cabbage Patch Children or Tickle Me Elmos again within the day.

All informed, there are nicely over 2,000 completely different Anthony Edwards playing cards from 2020-21 merchandise representing his rookie season. Listed below are 5 that stand out for a wide range of causes.

The Rookie: 2020-21 Panini Prizm Anthony Edwards RC #258

Collectors usually ask what the very best Rookie Card is of any given participant. That may get tough as probably the most iconic isn’t essentially probably the most precious. For Anthony Edwards, there are many RCs that carry greater worth tags than his 2020-21 Panini Prizm Basketball card. Nonetheless, this one comes from the cardboard maker’s top-selling basketball model.

It’s a card that has loads of attain and a price ticket that makes it inexpensive to a variety of collectors. It has liquidity behind it and could be a barometer for different playing cards from the Timberwolves star. You may follow the bottom model, which is something however uncommon, or any of its greater than 40 completely different parallels if you would like a chase or to land one thing extra precious.

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The Costly Rookie Card: 2020-21 Panini Nationwide Treasures Anthony Edwards RC #111 /99

2020-21 Panini Nationwide Treasures Basketball has probably the most precious Anthony Edwards RC and it’s not even shut. A low manufacturing run, on-card autograph, jumbo patch piece and a house in Panini’s prime high-end line all contribute.

Make no mistake, the value tag on this one places it out of attain to the vast majority of collectors on the market. Assume the flowery Porsche you move on the best way to the grocery retailer to the peerlessly sensible minivan you’ll find yourself parking subsequent to.

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The Reasonably priced Rookie Card: 2020-21 Licensed Anthony Edwards RC #200

Collectors have virtually 30 completely different Anthony Edwards RCs to select from. That’s simply normal base playing cards that match the normal definition of a Rookie Card. It’s comprehensible that some fall by the wayside and are considerably forgotten in a crowded discipline.

2020-21 Licensed suits. It’s one thing of a premium line. Possibly not on the Nationwide Treasures or Flawless degree however there are many hits in each field. Regardless of the high-end pedigree, this Edwards’ RC within the set is priced very equally to most of his entry-level playing cards like Hoops and Donruss. It may not carry lots of worth, however given the value tag it would really feel like a reasonably whole lot, to not point out look spectacular for a no-frills base card.

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The Insert: 2020-21 Crown Royale Kaboom! Anthony Edwards #21

In the case of trendy insert units, Kaboom! is arguably the most well-liked within the pastime. The case hits include a standout design that emphasizes motion. It’s good for the explosive nature of basketball. Edwards has a number of Kaboom! inserts together with his first arriving in 2020-21 Crown Royale throughout his rookie season. Count on to pay a number of 1000’s for those who intend to land one.

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The Parallel: 2020-21 Choose Tiger Stripe

Pool all the Anthony Edwards RCs collectively and so they have greater than 1,000 completely different parallels. Taking an unscientific strategy, most of these are your normal color-based playing cards. Exceptions exist together with some that stand out for being distinct and enjoyable. All three of Edwards’ base playing cards in 2020-21 Choose Basketball (#61, 169, 300) get the Tiger Stripe therapy. Though they’re not serial numbered and print runs had been by no means introduced, they’re uncommon and rank amongst Edwards’ most dear parallels.

For these in search of a zoo-themed rainbow, Choose additionally has Zebra variations.

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Hades 2 is another Steam Deck banger, early access or no

I’ve been sampling Hades 2’s early entry construct on the Steam Deck, and my solely criticism – in addition to the smooching frog having eluded me for hours – is that it’s giving me little or no to put in writing about, efficiency analysis-wise. Truthfully, it matches the dinky PC so effectively you’d have thought Supergiant had determined to make this roguelike sequel a Steam Deck recreation that simply occurred to run on desktops accidentally.

Hades the primary was a lot the identical, taking to the Deck like Hercules to Augean shit, however Hades 2 barely even provides away that incontrovertible fact that it’s unfinished. It doesn’t crash, stutter, or cling, and there’s no level in speaking about settings when it runs at a virtually good 60fps on max high quality. Make that 90fps on the Steam Deck OLED, too. It’s only a fabulous recreation for handhelds, even in its earliest of early entry days.

Continue reading Hades 2 is another Steam Deck banger, early access or no

Anthony Edwards’ playoff surge elevates his rank among No. 1 recruits in modern era

Minnesota Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards has his group on the cusp of franchise historical past. The Timberwolves took a 2-0 sequence lead within the second spherical of NBA playoffs with a 106-80 win over the Denver Nuggets on Monday to deliver Minnesota two wins nearer to reaching the Western Convention Finals for the primary time since 2004.

Edwards’ leap throughout the 2024 NBA Playoffs has been plain. The previous No. 1 general prospect by 247Sports within the 2019 recruiting cycle and the highest decide from the 2020 NBA Draft out of Georgia is in his fourth season within the NBA. Edwards is shifting up the all-time No. 1 general recruit leaderboard due to his performances within the postseason — he had a ho-hum-for-him 27 factors Monday evening. Edwards is a part of the brand new guard of younger expertise taking up the NBA postseason and is positioning himself as one of many faces of the league going ahead. 

In Recreation 1 towards the Nuggets, Edwards scored 43 factors to change into the fourth participant in NBA historical past with three consecutive playoff video games with not less than 35 factors. Edwards joined Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant. Edwards additionally joined Bryant as the one participant with back-to-back 40-point video games at age 22 or youthful in NBA playoff historical past.

Within the 247Sports period (2010-), Edwards is certainly one of 5 former prime recruits who have been the No. 1 decide of their respective drafts, becoming a member of Anthony Davis, Andrew Wiggins, Ben Simmons, and Cade Cunningham. Edwards, Davis, and Simmons are the one gamers who’ve already been named multi-time all-stars.

Edwards’ path from prime recruit to NBA celebrity was something however standard. Edwards reclassified from the 2020 cycle to what would change into a star-crossed 2019 class to hitch Georgia one season early. Edwards averaged 19.1 factors, 5.2 rebounds, and a couple of.8 throughout the 2019-20 season at Georgia that was minimize quick as a result of COVID-19. 

“Ant’s pure scoring potential, mixed together with his bodily items, all-around ability set and long-term upside make him a particular prospect,” stated then-247Sports Director of Scouting Evan Daniels.

Throughout the pre-draft course of in 2020, there have been query marks surrounding his need to play basketball. Edwards was a Pop Warner soccer star in his youthful days and expressed earlier than the beginning of the 2023-24 NBA season his hopes of sooner or later enjoying within the NFL.

“Yeah,” Edwards informed Marco Summers on his speak present Open Ideas. “I may be the primary one (to play within the NFL and NBA.)”

Whereas Edwards could have the instruments and athleticism to make a run as a multi-sport athlete, his charisma, high-flying dunks and pleasant trash speak have gravitated basketball followers towards the 22-year-old rising star. 

Listed below are the No. 1 general recruits within the 247Sports period, ranked by NBA success.

Notice: The parenthesized 12 months denotes when the participant was ranked because the No. 1 general recruit in his respective class. PER stands for Efficiency Effectivity Score, which is an all-encompassing metric used to guage participant efficiency.

Anthony Edwards is closing in on Anthony Davis for prime NBA standing amongst modern-day No. 1 recruits. 
Getty Photos

1. Anthony Davis (2011)

All-Star appearances: 8
Greatest PER: 30.8 (2013-14)

When Davis is at his greatest, he is within the dialog for the perfect large man within the NBA. In his lone season at Kentucky throughout the 2011-12 marketing campaign, The Forehead put up monster numbers that even have him within the dialog as the perfect one-and-done prospect in trendy school basketball historical past. Davis was drafted first by the New Orleans Hornets (now the New Orleans Pelicans) in 2012 and spent the primary seven years of his profession there earlier than being traded to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2019. Davis averaged 28 and 10 throughout the Lakers’ championship run within the 2020 Bubble. He’s an eight-time NBA All-Star, made the All-NBA First Workforce 4 occasions, and appeared on the All-Defensive Workforce 4 occasions. Davis appeared in a career-high 76 video games throughout the 2023-24 marketing campaign for the Lakers. 

2. Anthony Edwards (2019)

All-Star appearances: 2
Greatest PER: 19.7 (2023-24)

Edwards averaged a career-high 25.9 factors throughout the 2023-24 marketing campaign and made the NBA All-Star group for the second consecutive season. Edwards is without doubt one of the most entertaining gamers within the league to look at due to his frequent spotlight reel performs. Edwards ranked forward of James Wiseman and Cole Anthony within the 247Sports rankings. Edwards assumed the highest spot in his class after reclassifying. 

He’s nicely on his method towards incomes extra accolades on the subsequent degree.

3. Ben Simmons (2015)

All-Star appearances: 3
Greatest PER: 20.4 (2019-20)

Simmons’ NBA profession is difficult. The previous No. 1 decide within the 2016 NBA Draft shortly rose to stardom after serving to the Philadelphia 76ers attain the NBA Playoffs. Simmons reached the NBA All-Star Recreation three consecutive seasons between 2019-21 and was thought of among the finest defenders at his respective place. It has been downhill since. Simmons has appeared in 57 video games within the final two seasons as a result of accidents.

4. Andrew Wiggins (2013)

All-Star appearances: 1
Greatest PER: 16.5 (2015-16)

A change of surroundings was the perfect factor for Wiggins’ profession. As soon as thought of a bust on the Timberwolves, Wiggins proved his potential to be an elite two-way participant throughout Golden State’s playoff run in 2022. He’s a serious cause why the Dubs have been capable of beat the Celtics in six video games after falling behind 2-1 within the sequence. Wiggins is a part of probably the most notable NBA trades to occur this century. The Cavs traded away Wiggins in change for Timberwolves star large man Kevin Like to pair with LeBron James and Kyrie Irving, which paid off for Cleveland. Wiggins is coming off one of many worst statical seasons of his profession.

5. Chet Holmgren (2021)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 20.4 (2023-24)

After lacking your complete 2022-23 season with harm, Holmgren helped the Oklahoma Metropolis Thunder earn the No. 1 seed within the Western Convention. Holmgren completed behind San Antonio Spurs star Victor Wembanyama in Rookie of the Yr voting however is having a rookie marketing campaign to recollect. Holmgren starred at Gonzaga throughout his lone school season throughout the 2021-22 marketing campaign and is working his method up the listing as one the perfect all-time No. 1 recruits. His Thunder tip off Spherical 2 towards the Mavericks on Tuesday evening. We anticipate Holmgren to have a loud NBA playoffs. 

6. Cade Cunningham (2020)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 17.1 (2023-24)

The primary three picks of the 2021 NBA Draft have been within the precise order as the ultimate 247Sports rankings from the 2020 recruiting cycle. Cade Cunningham went No. 1 to the Detroit Pistons, Jalen Inexperienced was drafted No. 2 by the Houston Rockets, and the Cleveland Cavaliers chosen Evan Mobley with the No. 3 decide. Cunningham has flashed among the instruments that made him the highest highschool recruit and the primary decide of the draft, however he’s presently a part of a Pistons group that simply completed with the worst report (14-68) within the league.

7. RJ Barrett (2018)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 16.4 (2023-24)

Like Wiggins, a change of surroundings could also be the perfect factor for Barrett’s profession. Barrett was a part of a star-studded recruiting class at Duke that included Zion Williamson, Cam Reddish and Tre Jones. After being drafted by the New York Knicks with the No. 3 decide within the 2019 NBA Draft, Barrett was traded this previous December to the Toronto Raptors within the OG Anunoby commerce. Again in his native Canada, Barrett averaged a career-high 21.8 factors in 32 video games with Toronto.

8. Marvin Bagley lll (2017)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 19.4 (2023-24)

Earlier than Bagley grew to become the top-ranked participant from the 2017 class, present Denver Nuggets star Michael Porter Jr. occupied that spot earlier than Bagley reclassified up. The Kings famously, stupidly, handed on Luka Dončić with the No. 2 decide within the 2018 NBA Draft and as an alternative went with Bagley. The Kings traded the previous Duke star to the Pistons on the 2022 NBA Commerce Deadline.

9. Nerlens Noel (2012)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 20.4 (2016-17)

As soon as projected because the No. 1 general decide within the lackluster 2013 NBA Draft, Noel fell all the best way to No. 6. Noel performed for six completely different NBA groups throughout his profession and was most just lately minimize by the Sacramento Kings earlier than the beginning of this previous season. Noel solely averaged double-digit factors as soon as throughout his time within the league.

10. Emmanuel Mudiay (2014)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 14.6 (2018-19)

Mudiay is the one participant on this listing that did not play in school. After committing to SMU, Mudiay elected to play abroad earlier than being drafted by the Nuggets with the No. 7 decide within the 2015 NBA Draft. Mudiay averaged a career-high 15 factors in certainly one of his remaining seasons throughout the 2018-19 marketing campaign.

11. Josh Jackson (2016)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 14.1 (2019-20)

After a standout season at Kansas, Jackson was chosen by the Phoenix Suns with the No. 4 decide within the 2017 NBA Draft. Jackson’s pure athleticism and shotmaking made him an intriguing mission. Jackson by no means lived as much as the hype and final performed within the NBA throughout the 2021-22 season.

12. Nick Smith Jr. (2022)

All-Star appearances: 0
Greatest PER: 8.1 (2023-24)

Smith was drafted by the Charlotte Hornets with the No. 27 decide final summer season. Smith appeared in 59 video games and averaged 5.9 factors. Whereas there’s nonetheless loads of time for the 20-year-old guard to enhance his standing, he’s the defacto last-ranked participant on this listing as a result of his lack of expertise within the NBA. Smith final summer season spoke vulnerably about his disappointing 12 months at Arkansas. 

Miami Deserves Its Spot on the F1 Calendar

I’ve been to 2 Components 1 races in my life. The primary was Canada 2019; you recognize, the one the place Sebastian Vettel crossed the road first, however was handed a observe limits penalty that gave the win to Lewis Hamilton, prompting Seb to modify the place boards at Parc Ferme. Powerful to beat, and but Lando Norris notching his first win on Sunday afternoon in Miami would possibly simply take it.

Lando’s long-awaited triumph did loads of heavy lifting, because it ought to. I do not suppose anybody left the gates dissatisfied within the on-track present, even when the end result was prompted by a wonderfully timed security car-provoking crash. That is racing generally. However, in the event you requested me to decide on between Montreal and Miami, I’d take the hike up north each time—which is strictly why F1 wants each.

Let me clarify. As a perform, the entire occasion was completely competent. Having by no means gone to this race earlier than, I’ve heard Miami’s first attempt in 2022 was greater than a little bit tough for followers on the bottom, owing to poorly organized entry factors and pathways, and customarily the kind of logistical hurdles that are inclined to come up when the F1 circus descends on a metropolis for the primary time. None of that was current for the third run, which you’d hope.

However then, that was by no means actually the case towards the Miami GP by its most fervent detractors. Their ire was about F1 shedding its soul, the stability sliding away from sport towards superficiality and spectacle. The factor is, now having walked among the many $200 veggie platters and previous the notorious plywood marina, I am much less satisfied of that than I ever was earlier than.

I have been a skeptic of F1’s fast American growth, in order that impression stunned me too. I have been reflecting on it. F1 has all the time been a billionaire boys membership. If it is entry and grassroots you need, every other self-discipline of motorsport on the planet is extra inclined to provide it to you. It’s not purely a cultural factor, both; after I went to MotoGP in Austin in 2022, one other championship that has its roots in Europe, I effortlessly handed into areas I wasn’t allowed to go and half the time I wasn’t even conscious I’d achieved it. (Certainly you possibly can wager Liberty Media will probably be trying to change that, now that it owns MotoGP, too.) However in Miami, I couldn’t entry the paddock with my Paddock Membership go, the place I used to be hosted by Pirelli; and other people I wanted to talk to on the paddock weren’t allowed to achieve me both, with out passing via two units of NFC-sensing turnstiles. This shit’s locked down—however then in fact it’s. It’s F1.

All of the velvet rope, the comical ticket costs, the pomp and circumstance, the crypto title sponsor, is as a lot F1 as Prost and Senna or Hakkinen and Schumacher. All of the nouns have modified, and alcohol and cigarettes gave solution to large tech, however that’s about it. And if there actually is a brand new guard, it hasn’t come on the expense of the outdated. No one’s taking Spa or Monza away from anybody. That’s actually not taking place when the calendar’s frequently grown and road circuits have supplemented the classics, not supplanted them.

Once I was relaying all this to my colleague Jerry Perez, he requested me if Miami and races prefer it had been a “mandatory evil.” Now I notice they’re mandatory full cease for the game to develop, or at the least have any hope of constant its ascendancy at a secure clip. It is really easy to overlook that this championship was in shambles 15 years in the past, and Ferrari was able to stroll. “Evil,” properly, is a matter of opinion—at the least as long as we aren’t speaking about all of the flags F1 has planted in human rights abuse hotspots. However that’s one other story.

F1’s hubris has all the time been its obsession with its personal status. That’ll by no means completely go away, in fact—simply ask the Andretti household. However the distinction between F1 within the age of Miami and Vegas in comparison with the stuffy within the Bernie days is that right this moment, F1 is aware of it wants to achieve folks the place they’re, within the language they perceive. For some of us, that’s gonna be the breeze on the Île Notre-Dame in June; for others, it’s an Ed Sheeran live performance staged in entrance of faux water, on a peninsula surrounded by precise water. That’s simply life.

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Drake house shooting: Security guard critically injured in Toronto

A safety guard working at Drake’s Bridle Path mansion in Toronto was critically injured in a taking pictures outdoors the residence early Tuesday morning, police mentioned.

Police tape and patrol automobiles might be seen on the rap celebrity’s sprawling dwelling close to Park Lane Circle and Publish Street.

Emergency crews have been referred to as to the world at roughly 2:09 a.m. for reviews of a taking pictures.

The sufferer, an grownup male, sustained life-threatening accidents within the taking pictures and was rushed to hospital, the place he stays. Police initially mentioned his accidents have been severe, however later described them as life-threatening. He was standing outdoors of the house’s entrance gates when pictures have been fired from a car which then fled the scene, police mentioned.

Police couldn’t say whether or not Drake was dwelling on the time of the taking pictures.

Insp. Paul Krawczyk informed reporters on the scene that the suspect, or suspects, concerned within the taking pictures fled the scene in a car, the outline of which has not been launched by police. Investigators are at present reviewing video footage of the incident, he mentioned.

Toronto Police examine against the law scene outdoors the mansion of Canadian rap mogul Drake in Toronto’s Bridle Path neighbourhood, Tuesday, Could 7, 2024. Paramedics mentioned a safety guard working outdoors the house was taken to hospital with severe however non-life-threatening accidents in an in a single day taking pictures. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Police are in touch with Drake’s crew and Krawczyk mentioned they’re cooperating with the investigation.

The taking pictures comes amid an escalating rap beef with Los Angeles rapper Kendrick Lamar. Drake and Lamar launched quite a lot of diss tracks aimed toward one another over the weekend, which included unsubstantiated allegations and private insults.

One of many tracks launched by Lamar, titled “Not Like Us,” contains a Google Maps picture of Drake’s Bridle Path mansion.

READ MORE: Former murder detective explains how police will examine taking pictures outdoors Drake’s Bridle Path mansion

Requested a few doable hyperlink between the taking pictures and the current war-of-words, Krawczyk mentioned it’s too early to inform if there’s a connection.

“It’s so early within the investigation that we do not have a motive at the moment,” he mentioned.

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow was requested in regards to the taking pictures at an unrelated information convention Tuesday morning and mentioned that “any taking pictures” within the metropolis will not be welcome.

“I hope the police will discover the individuals which are violating the regulation and catch them,” she mentioned.

IN PHOTOS: Police examine taking pictures outdoors Drake’s Toronto dwelling

Krawczyk mentioned there will probably be an elevated police presence within the space as an investigation will get underway, however not more than some other time a firearm is discharged within the metropolis. 

“That is no totally different than some other investigation,” he mentioned. “It is possibly extra high-profile as a result of there’s extra individuals right here however we deal with it like some other incident.”

Police are asking anybody with data to succeed in out to investigators. They’re asking anyone who has images or video of the suspect(s) or suspect car to add them to an proof portal for the investigation.

Police tape is proven outdoors Drake’s Bridle Path mansion on Could 7, 2024. (CTV Information Toronto)

Aggreko Provides Energy Solutions for the F1 Miami Grand Prix

Aggreko, a worldwide supplier of power options, served as Power Options Companion for the FORMULA 1 CRYPTO.COM MIAMI GRAND PRIX. The multi-year partnership with South Florida Motorsports, organizers of the Grand Prix, started with the 2024 occasion, which was staged Might 3-5 on the Miami Worldwide Autodrome in Miami Gardens, Florida.

Following Aggreko’s profitable observe document in offering options for a number of Formulation One Grand Prix worldwide, the corporate will present related energy options on the Miami Worldwide Autodrome. Aggreko’s state-of-the-art engineered answer will embrace energy era and electrical distribution at important factors all through the observe. The options will probably be delivered by a workforce of consultants who’ve a observe document of delivering occasions of this caliber.

“We’re excited to companion with the FORMULA 1 CRYPTO.COM MIAMI GRAND PRIX,” says Don Grey, Occasions Sector Supervisor, Aggreko North America. “This partnership expands Aggreko’s involvement within the Formulation One World Championship as we now work with two races on the North America calendar, we’re excited to proceed offering energy for the caliber of occasions we excel at. We’re honored that South Florida Motorsports has entrusted us with the duty of powering their race, and we want the entire drivers good luck!”

“We’re glad to have discovered an power companion in Aggreko who may help us guarantee a seamless expertise on race weekend,” says Tyler Epp, President of the FORMULA 1 CRYPTO.COM MIAMI GRAND PRIX. “As a brief circuit that shares infrastructure wants with the enduring Exhausting Rock Stadium and surrounding space, having onsite energy is a key element for delivering a improbable occasion for all our stakeholders.”

Aggreko has over 30 years of expertise within the occasions sector, powered by an knowledgeable workforce and engineered options. Aggreko has delivered world-class experiences at PGA occasions, Cirque du Soleil reveals, Worldwide Formulation 1 races, powered broadcasting for main American Soccer occasions, and lots of extra.

Drake’s security guard shot outside of rapper’s Toronto home

Toronto police say a safety guard working exterior the Bridle Path neighbourhood house of rap famous person Drake was critically injured in a capturing early Tuesday morning.

Insp. Paul Krawczyk informed reporters the capturing occurred at round 2 a.m. exterior of the gates of the Park Lane Circle house, which is close to Bayview and Lawrence avenues.

“That individual was working, apparently, as a safety guard on the residence,” Krawczyk stated.

“He was standing exterior of the gates in entrance of the residence when the capturing occurred.”

Drake home capturing: Toronto Police verify safety guard shot, has ‘life-threatening accidents’

Krawczyk stated he couldn’t verify if Drake was house on the time of the incident. He did observe police are in touch “along with his staff” and that they’re “cooperating” with investigators.

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The safety guard was taken to hospital with life-threatening accidents the place he stays, police stated in an replace Tuesday afternoon.

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Police have collected some video proof which captured the capturing, Krawczyk stated, however famous he wouldn’t launch any additional particulars on suspects or a automobile description due to “video high quality points.”

“As we have now data and we’re capable of analyze the video higher, then we’ll be capable of present extra data,” Krawczyk stated.

He stated “people” had been seen in a automobile however didn’t specify what number of.

Police tape off Park Lane Circle in Toronto’s Bridle Path neighbourhood on Could 7, 2024.

Doug Gamey / International Information

The capturing comes amid an ongoing feud between Drake and rapper Kendrick Lamar, although Krawczyk wouldn’t remark if that had something to do with Tuesday’s capturing.

“I’m conscious of what you’re speaking about,” Krawczyk stated.

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“However it’s so early within the investigation that we don’t have a motive right now. And so I can’t remark additional on that.”

Taking pictures at Drake’s house places highlight on Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar feud

The newest rap beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar noticed the Toronto-born artist launch his fourth diss observe in opposition to Lamar, entitled The Coronary heart Half 6, on Sunday.

The observe is over 5 minutes lengthy and makes an attempt to dispute a number of claims made by Lamar, 36, in his earlier raps concentrating on Drake, 37. A lot of the response sees Drake deny grooming underage women for intercourse, an allegation that has adopted the rapper for years now.

To date, there’s been 9 tracks launched within the ongoing feud between Drake and Lamar — although Drake appeared to indicate he’s rising bored with their forwards and backwards, no matter how enthusiastic their collective fanbases have been.

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— With information from International Information’ Sarah Do Couto and Aaron D’Andrea

Drake’s safety guard injured after capturing exterior of rapper’s Toronto house

&copy 2024 International Information, a division of Corus Leisure Inc.

Rocket issue scrubs launch of Starliner crewed test flight

Up to date 5:30 a.m. Japanese with new launch date.

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. — Controllers scrubbed the primary try and launch Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner on a crewed check flight Could 6 due to a valve drawback with the rocket, delaying the launch by no less than 4 days.

The launch director for the Atlas 5 rocket known as for the scrub somewhat greater than two hours earlier than the scheduled 10:34 p.m. Japanese launch of the Crew Flight Check mission from Cape Canaveral House Pressure Station in Florida.

The problem was with an oxygen reduction valve on the rocket’s Centaur higher stage. “The crew is simply not snug with the signatures that they’re seeing, the response out of that valve, so out of an abundance of warning, we aren’t going to proceed with our launch operations as we speak,” stated Dillon Rice, ULA launch commentator, on NASA TV.

At a press convention a pair hours after the scrub, ULA CEO Tory Bruno stated the valve was buzzing at a frequency of about 40 hertz, loud sufficient for groups on the launch pad to listen to it. Forcing the valve to shut stopped the buzzing, however that course of required scrubbing the launch to adjust to flight guidelines to ban adjustments to the state of the Centaur whereas the crew was on board.

There are backup launch alternatives for the mission at the moment scheduled for Could 7, 10 and 11, however the subsequent launch try will depend upon whether or not the valve must be changed.

Bruno stated that if the vibrations had been full motions of the valve, the valve can be approaching its rated lifetime of 200,000 cycles and would should be changed. That may require rolling the rocket again to its meeting constructing to interchange the valve, a course of that seemingly would push the launch to subsequent week.

Engineers, although, are analyzing information to see if the valve’s buzzing was lower than full movement, which might imply it isn’t but approaching its rated life. That might have allowed a launch try as quickly as Could 7.

“We may very well be prepared tomorrow if we discover out we now have loads of life” within the valve, he stated. A choice on a Could 7 launch try must be made no later than about eight hours earlier than the scheduled 10:11 p.m. Japanese liftoff time.

“It’s seemingly we’d have that suggestion earlier than then,” he stated. “If we don’t know that we’re assured with the valve by then, then we’re not going.”

NASA, in an announcement early Could 7, stated that the company was now projecting a launch no sooner than Could 10, ruling out a Could 7 launch, to offer groups extra time to investigate information in regards to the valve.

There’s flexibility in schedules for ISS operations ought to there be an prolonged launch delay. “We’re not in a rush to fly from a station standpoint. We did clear our summer time schedule deliberately to offer us loads of runway for this CFT mission,” stated Dana Weigel, NASA ISS program supervisor.

The scrub was introduced shortly after NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams had boarded Starliner. That they had reported no points with the spacecraft main as much as the launch scrub. Officers stated on the briefing that preparations had been operating effectively forward of schedule when the scrub was known as.

CFT is the ultimate check of the Starliner spacecraft earlier than NASA certifies the spacecraft for Worldwide House Station crew rotation missions. The flight will likely be ther first to hold astronauts after two uncrewed flights in December 2019 and Could 2022.

The spacecraft is scheduled to dock with the station somewhat greater than a day after launch. It is going to stay on the station for a couple of week earlier than undocking and touchdown at White Sands, New Mexico.

Earlier than the flight, Wilmore and Williams stated they had been ready to take a launch scrub in stride. After they arrived on the Kennedy House Heart April 25 for ultimate preparations, Williams stated she had gotten recommendation from Bob Behnken, who flew on the primary Crew Dragon spacecraft to hold astronauts, Demo-2 in 2020, with Doug Hurley. That mission suffered a weather-related scrub earlier than launching efficiently.

“Could 6 isn’t magical,” Williams stated of the scheduled CFT launch. “He stated, ‘For those who get a scrub it’s really somewhat bit good as a result of it kind of takes the strain off somewhat bit.’”